Urban Breed out of Bloodbound...

I don't know how he is when making music, but I know he's a pain in the butt to deal with when playing Advanced Civ ;). I had to find 7 AC noobs this past weekend so I could finally win a game!
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one.
He gets along with pretty much everyone he meets at the festival.

It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews.
Speaking as someone who conducts interviews... thank goat. Do you have any idea how boring and painful it is to interview someone devoid of opinions?

Obviously I've never met him I'm just going by hearsay on the net.
Than perhaps your original comments could have been prefaced with that disclaimer? The same thing can be said of band break ups, that can be said of romantic breakups; there's three sides to the story, his, hers and the truth. Unless you're in the band, you don't really know what happened.

I didn't make up out of the blue that urban is a little difficult to get along with musically.
Who would actually know that other than the Tad Morose guys and the folks from Bloodbound? And speaking as a former bass player, I'd say the likelihood of the guitar player being the issue, is just as great.
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!
Well - glad that is your perception - everyone is entitled to an ignorant opinion - congrats - yours is . Couldn't be farther from the truth.

I worked with Urban at Progpower and Chicago Powerfest when they played. I did the mini tour with Tad Morose right after Urban left the band... he had played a festival in Gothenberg the night before Tad Morose got there.
I hung back - as i was with those guys and didn't know what to expect.

Urban was really cool with them - no fireworks, fists, etc.
Every time I have met him, hung out with him, or worked with him (Chicago Powerfest) - he has been nothing but nice. Maybe quirky sense of humor, people watching and ball busting? Yes... Lead singer syndrome - not at all.

And - having heard one of the trail of mrder tunes that Daniel sent me - I think it kicks all kinds of ass. Can't wait to hear the Urban stuff as well :headbang:
Not true. First of all, it's not bad for either party and my sister still likes me. ;)

I don't want to do things I would be ashamed of. Unless I get paid handsomely. :D

Where's the entertainment value in moderate and 100% diplomatic answers? :Smug:

It's taking forever. Why? Because I don't want to pressure anyone to do things for me and I've got things to do for other people.
I tend to do those things first.

I have other, more pressing things, to tend to.

There's a perfectly pointless exercise. I already work with Daniel. There's no Daniel in Tad Morose anymore so explain to me why I would want to do that?

If we forget about all the other things... Ask yourself how many people have passed through Bloodbound. Maybe I drove them off..? :D

But to be fair... yes, I do occasionally play the primadonna card. It's fun, especially when done to manipulative and calculating people.

Don't worry. I don't hold your post against you.
Should we ever meet, remind me about your post and I'll buy you a beer, a glass of orange juice or similar. Just for making me smile.
(Woa, people... don't start slamming me!!! :) I can only take so much.)
and if you're interested I might share some inside stories. ;)
(They're not all that interesting but anyway...)

Have fun, and don't stop speculating. It's rather enjoyable.

Classy AND funny. Love it. :kickass:
Damn i got a right royal rogering didn't I!!
Enjoy it! It's the only way...

Look i didn't mean to cause any offense at all. I take it all back.
Too late. :lol:

I'm just going by hearsay on the net.
Now *that's* a truly wise thing to do.
However, I'll give you this, while it might not be the wisest thing to do it can most assuredly be a lot of fun. :kickass:

I didn't make up out of the blue that urban is a little difficult to get along with musically.
But you didn't really know your sources well enough to trust them either, right?
You might be thinking that I'm just picking on you for saying these things about me. And you're absolutely right! :D My angle, though, is that I'm really *mostly* doing this because it's too much fun not to.

Bloodbound will be poorer without you.
To some. (People that want to see Bloodbound go beyond Tabula Rasa.)
Others are dying to hear Nosferatu on repeat. :)

I remember seeing the Tads at the Underworld a few years ago when you guys played to about 50 people tops and you still put on a great show. I don't know if you remember that show.
Not something I think about constantly but now that you bring it up, yes, I do remember that one. :)

Shutting the fuck up now...
Where's the fun in that?

All in all, no worries...
They're protesting because they know a little bit more about me and some even have a perspective allowing them to see more than just my part in this.
And my part, this time, is so small it's practically nonexistent.
I second all who speak well of original gangsta MC Urban Breed (and by extension his wife Shaye).

I haven't heard much Bloodbound, since I don't have a taste for generically melodic power metal.

Hoping Urban's solo album works OUTSIDE his comfort zone, in other genres.
Since we're on the Urban subject... I remember as if it was yesterday his show at BB King's in NYC. Urban comes up to me prior to our interview and asks "Hey, I was actually wondering if you know a place where I can get boot straps around here??"

Me, trying to showcase the best NY-style hospitality. "Nope. But out of curiosity, what do you need bootstraps for?"

Urban: "I don't know."

Everyone else, including Urban and Shaye have already responded to this, but I will throw in my 2 cents (and angle for a beer, since money will be tight at this years festival) and say that although I don't know Urban or Shaye very well they are always very cordial when I talk to them.

Plus, how bad a guy can Urban be when his wife is cute as a button and loves watching Alabama beat up on Georgia?

I love the fact that Urban doesn't want to work on a project that his heart wouldn't be into, that'd be faking it. Let them get someone who wants to put out that kind of music, let him go on to something that he can dive into - everyone wins. Sounds good to me.

Roll Tide :)
jeff in colorado
I spoke with Urban at one of the pre party shows and he was very approachable and friendly and we spoke over several topics from music to football to Atlanta to good places to eat. I don't work with him so I can't speak to his work ethic's but he showed no diva-ness to me or any other festival attendee's that spoke with him that I saw.
Yes, yes... Beers, milk (but pleeeeease keep 'em separated) and Potato chips to everyone!

Separated? I don't think so.
