Urban breed singing for Bloodbound at SRF

cool news, I wish I could go to see Urban sing again. Shaye, when is his solo record EVER going to be done??
cool news, I wish I could go to see Urban sing again. Shaye, when is his solo record EVER going to be done??

He swears he's almost done with it... so we're looking at this year. Really, this time. ;) All the songs are written and mostly recorded, I think. I think he's still waiting on some guitars to be recorded at this point. He had to go drop off the songs because the guitar player's girlfriend's Internet connection blew up or something. :b Just holler if you want more useless detail.

Why is he singing for the band? What's wrong with the Jaded Heart guy? I think the new album is pretty mediocre.

As urban said in his post :) Boorman had prior commitments. I'm guessing the bloodbound guys just didn't want to pass up an opportunity to play Sweden Rock, and I can't say I blame them. Urban just loves singing live, so it was a no-brainer for him.

It'll certainly be interesting hearing Urban sing that material live; I think anyone who's ever asked me (and some who didn't ;)) know that while I enjoy Urban's singing on Nosferatu, it's certainly not my favorite material.

He swears he's almost done with it... so we're looking at this year. Really, this time. ;) All the songs are written and mostly recorded, I think. I think he's still waiting on some guitars to be recorded at this point. He had to go drop off the songs because the guitar player's girlfriend's Internet connection blew up or something. :b Just holler if you want more useless detail.

I hope so, he's had my wife and I waiting with baited breath since your wedding when he was talking to us about it. Also any chance Urban will join another band once his solo record is done?? The world needs more records with Urban singing on it. :lol:
He swears he's almost done with it... so we're looking at this year. Really, this time. ;) All the songs are written and mostly recorded, I think. I think he's still waiting on some guitars to be recorded at this point. He had to go drop off the songs because the guitar player's girlfriend's Internet connection blew up or something. :b Just holler if you want more useless detail.

I hope so, he's had my wife and I waiting with baited breath since your wedding when he was talking to us about it. Also any chance Urban will join another band once his solo record is done?? The world needs more records with Urban singing on it. :lol:
Yeah, we're gonna go to Sweden Rock again (as well as the Gods of Metal festival in Italy the weekend before). SRF is the best all-around European festival I've been to.

That's great news about Urban. I just checked out the running order, though, and I'll be headbanging to Trouble, who are playing at the same time. Sounds like I may have to cut Trouble a bit short and catch some of Bloodbound.

Did you see that Andromeda got added to the bill? VERY cool!
