US Housing Market Faggotry

Good website:

I like how the Dow has been steadily tanking for weeks on end, then yesterday The Fed says O LOOK, HERE HAVE SOME MONEY and everybody got happy for about 14 seconds before shit fell once again. This recession is going to be long, hard, ugly, and well deserved. [/expert opinion]

My IRA has taken a god damn beating over the past few months, but if I cash in now, I'll be just like every other armchair investor out there, buying high and selling low. Unless the whole god damn train explodes, which is unlikely, but possible. At that point I'll have more problems to worry about than losing my retirement savings. On the good side it will make an excellent excuse to take this shit to the streets. :mad:

Idiot, meet, um, non-idiot. This video is from August 2006. I've been watching this Peter Schiff dude for close to a year now, he seems to be pretty right on. I love that term "wealth" because it is now revealed to be a farce. Equity has now gone below 50% for, well, the first time ever. If it isn't liquid, it isn't worth shit.

I'm reminded of the movie Wall Street when papasheen tells sondouche "why don't you try and produce something, instead of pushing paper around all day." It's true. All this crap is just make believe.
Bill Hicks said:
"And I'm glad [mushrooms] are illegal. Because you know what happened when I took 'em? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, 'My God, I love everything.' The heavens parted, and God rained gifts of forgiveness onto my being, healing my psychically, physically, and emotionally. I realized that our true nature was spirit not body; that it is only an illusion that we are separate from God or that we are alone. The reality is that we are at one with God and he loves us. Now if that's not a danger to society...I mean, how are we gonna keep building nuclear weapons, you know what I mean? What's gonna happen to the arms industry once we realize that we're all one? It's gonna fuck up the economy! The economy that's FAKE anyway!"
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The resale value of a modular home is virtually nil. I hope they plan on living there FOREVER.

BTW, did you know the construction industry generates more landfill waste than anything else in the world? Not only does it take up space, the lumber and shit is FILLED with toxic chemicals. Carpet itself is like one big toxic material. Sad.
Say, that reminds me. I heard recently that Japanese save 60% of their income. Is that even possible? Or did I misunderstand the number? How can you save that much? Do they eat?
Haha. What bullshit. Where do I start? First of all, Americans work more hours per week than Japs. And the housewives certainly have all the time in the world to shop. 60% savings? :lol: How could they expect to go on vacations (and I'm talking fairly lavish ones) at least once a year, constantly buy new cars, keep up with current fashion trends, etc if they did such a thing?
so what you are saying is that Asians are lying to the world about what they can and cannot afford and how much they spend ... kind of like Americans did up to last year?
here's my advice for anyone who actually gives a rat's ass

don't... pay... morgage... period. end of sentence.

if you don't have the cash to flat-out buy a house "free and clear" then just rent
live beyond their means you big skirt

i'm in the proccess of filing several lawsuits
within a year i will actually have the cash to buy a house "free and clear" but if something bizarre happens and i actually loose the lawsuits, then i'll just rent, i refuse to pay morgage, i'm just being sensable