US Housing Market Faggotry

here's my advice for anyone who actually gives a rat's ass

don't... pay... morgage... period. end of sentence.

if you don't have the cash to flat-out buy a house "free and clear" then just rent
Fuck yeah! I like this big skirt.
That big skirt is a pedophile. Remember Lord Red Dragon?!? Well a couple weeks back they let that boy toucher (no he's not Greek) out of the Fort Worth County Correctional Domain for the Disenfranchised, so the chap has decided to once again bestow upon us his infinite wisdom in the art of artfist.

Adrian, I always took you as a moderate liberal.
That big skirt is a pedophile. Remember Lord Red Dragon?!? Well a couple weeks back they let that boy toucher (no he's not Greek) out of the Fort Worth County Correctional Domain for the Disenfranchised, so the chap has decided to once again bestow upon us his infinite wisdom in the art of artfist.

Adrian, I always took you as a moderate liberal.

someone from Texas would never use the phrase "Fort Worth County" because Fort Worth is a CITY that's in "Tarrant County"
I live in the City of Irving, that's DALLAS County, NOT TARRANT County
the name of the place i was at was "Jesse R Dawson State Jail"
That big skirt is a pedophile. Remember Lord Red Dragon?!? Well a couple weeks back they let that boy toucher (no he's not Greek) out of the Fort Worth County Correctional Domain for the Disenfranchised, so the chap has decided to once again bestow upon us his infinite wisdom in the art of artfist.

Adrian, I always took you as a moderate liberal.

someone from Texas would never use the phrase "Fort Worth County" because Fort Worth is a CITY that's in "Tarrant County"
I live in the City of Irving, that's DALLAS County, NOT TARRANT County
the name of the place i was at was "Jesse R Dawson State Jail"

Thanks for the help, almost forgot where you lived.

I love the new Texas database, it has fucking EVERYTHING!

Essentially, he showed his cock to a 15 year old girl.

He's also high risk, according to their rating system. Cooool.
I'm curious though, I didn't know they gave 2 years for exposing your self to a teenager... there has to be more to it. Like an asshole or something. Care to elaborate LRD?
That big skirt is a pedophile. Remember Lord Red Dragon?!? Well a couple weeks back they let that boy toucher (no he's not Greek) out of the Fort Worth County Correctional Domain for the Disenfranchised, so the chap has decided to once again bestow upon us his infinite wisdom in the art of artfist.

I guess this means I'm fucked (I hope not literally)
The other day I took the day off of work and was in line at the grocery store, the quick check bit. Had to buy a gallon of distilled agua for my radiator. In front of me were two black wimmenz with a kid, who should have been in school. They had about 25 items in a 15 item max line, and then attempted to pay with WIC, which the checkoutergirl informed them they could not, because that was considered a check. I was in a god damn rush, watching these two able-bodied morons try and suck off the system just a little more, and as I vacated the line, swear to chunky's, yelled FUCKING NEGARS!!! in my head.

CLASSIC. Especially the 25 items in a 15 item max line. I just want to fucking beat people sometimes. There are rules, dude!
That mansion on 5th ave is pretty interesting. But, there's really nothing going on in Youngstown. All the jobs went to Mexico. At least Dayton has the Air Force Base and a GM plant to maintain it's workforce. Otherwise, Ohio is cheap because no one wants to live there. That can be an advantage though, depending on what you're looking for.
Awesome. Pretty goddam expensive though. I don't have a subscription but $74 is not bad considering the $6 newstand price. I don't buy it often. I have a scrip to Foreign Policy though and it's about $25 me thinks.

“The idea that ‘I will sacrifice to save my job’ is dying,” said Ralf Berchthold, a spokesman with Ver.di, the largest services union in Germany. “People are ready to fight now.”

Whats the point of having a job if you can't live from it? Thats a sad reality here, work full time and earn far less than your rent. (no minimum wage). The prices of grain and dairy products is through the roof (because its all going for that wonderful rainforest destroying BIO-Fuel... which is actually worse or at best equal to gas...)
gas prices have always been about triple yours (luckily we have transit).

What will we do? Surivive? Or sell our human rights and switch to chinese governmental style?
I work two jobs and possibly a third soon, while attending a university as well. I STILL do not have enough to survive completely on my own. It is quite frustrating, especially since more and more of my money simply goes towards gas for transportation between said jobs and schooling. I've actually started selling some CD's, electronics, books, etc. recently to help pay for basic things like, you know, food.
That sucks, man. Maybe when you graduate you'll be able to find a job that pays what the other two do combined.
That sucks, man. Maybe when you graduate you'll be able to find a job that pays what the other two do combined.

You'd think so, but unfortunately it's becoming less and less true that a degree will get you a good solid job out of college. Obviously it would increase my chances of getting a better paying job though. My hope is that I'll be able to combine work experience with a degree into some sort of job that almost doesn't make me want to kill myself. I think that's the new American Dream anyway.
my take on college in this day and age is the following ... only go IF you plan to become one of the following:

- engineer
- doctor
- lawyer

the above mostly because you HAVE TO have the schooling for them and plenty of it.

the rest, honestly you are better off spending 4 years at a company (starting in the mailroom) that will lead you to your dream career ... you will learn a lot more, faster AND get paid at the same time rather than getting yourself into debt.

college education does not guarantee much any longer. heck, chances are most of your bosses never went to college.