US Housing Market Faggotry

Meeting a realtor on Saturday. First time since maybe 2004. I've spent like $100,000 in rent since then. Kaboom.
As a general rule of thumb, just to get in the ballpark, how much should you spend on a house in relation to your salary?
my understanding is if you're doing an FHA loan, your mortgage payment can't exceed 1/3 your income.

if you're doing a different type of loan i'm not sure but that's probably not a bad rule of thumb to keep yourself safe.
whatever it takes to get the nicest place that's farthest away from minorities

We're scopin' out places in the mountains. It would involve lengthening our commute (I'm currently 7 minutes between work and home), but it would be living on a god damn mountain for pretty cheap.

Might not be worth the gas/stress, we'll see. I actually wouldn't mind buying a house in our current suburban neighboUrhood but I haven't found something cheap enough yet.

Plus I really don't want to "own" a crackerjack box. I'd rather have something cool like a cabin or yurt if I'm going to attach my name/wallet/life to it.
I hope everyone knows I was jus' kiddin'
but really, most American cities are highly segregated. Unless you deliberately move to an area of town that is predominantly Black or Hispanic or whatever, you're going to be totally homogenous - which is just plain boring.