US Housing Market Faggotry

So we went to the house near the mountains (Cherry Valley, CA) and even with a few repairs required, it's fucking gorgeous. It even has a god damn well in the front yard. Where we live now is near the tail end of suburban LA sprawl that begins at the coast and dies off 90 miles inland (we're about 80 miles inland currently, right on the edge, Jonathan are you paying attention :loco: ), which is quite nice because the mountains are 30 minutes away and the desert is about an hour, but we're not in BFE so can be quite urban with our hipster sushi dinners any night of the week when we so choose. And the downtown area by us is fucking awesome, great food/booze/culture, so we do like it here.

From Cherry Valley my commute would be 22 miles and hers would be 30. Even with us carpooling that means 30+ minutes each way, which... ehhhhh. I literally drive 7 miles per day commuting, she's around 20 roundtrip. I really don't want to give that up, short distance driving in Califuckia isn't exactly a luxury, but it does take some planning and/or luck.

But fuck me. A view of the mountains from the front and back yards? Anda mortgage that's cheaper than our current monthly rent? That's fuckin' awesome. We'll see. BLAH BLAHH BLAHB ALBHALHBALH RAWR RWAR SHE-BEAR
just fucking do it ... the commute seems reasonable ... that is if you can get up and going faster than 20mph ...
Crap. To clarify it is 44 and 60 mile commute per day, so a good chunk more than we're used to. But I like your input. The lady that lives there said that bobcats are an occasional problem and I thought "lolz more like solution am I rite" for a second.

Aurel do you rent or own, I forget? I ask because you've always been my hero so I'm curious. :Spin:
quick comment before my upcoming deluge of information/discussion/rant: before you buy a house, be certain you don't want to just pack shit up and move to say, Canada...cuz when you're tied to a mortgage, doing that is rather difficult.
That is one of my reasons to enjoy renting. We can bail with a 30 day notice no problem. Of course, we've been in the same condo for 5 years now, so WTF.

Pack yer shit!

Let the rant commence! :kickass:
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o' course, not that you can't do that later but everything is just so much easier if you don't have a mortgage and don't have children. Do you guys enjoy a profession where you can pack up and move somewhere and rejoin the same profession elsewhere? That would be nice. I have that part...but then we also have the mortgage and children. I can still do it, but it's more on a geological time scale. As in, if I start planning now, in 18 years the wife and I can move into the mountains and grow weed and eat hikers.
So you bought a house again? Last I was paying attention here you had sold your shack and were renting until shit got un-stupid. I always figure if/when shit goes nutso I'll just take a one way plane ticket to oblivion, but I'm not really thinking that way currently. Unless President Romney, He Of 50 Wives and 1820s Morals begins to reign supreme. I'm sure that will be WORLDS apart from Whosits in Chief that we currently have.

I'm all for the cannibalism part of course. I couldn't find the relative picture from Ravenous that I was a-searchin' for but this unrelated one will do:

getting raped by Ken would be the best!


Yar, we bought this current house like four years ago haha
We're going to sell it next Spring soon as I be dun with grad school. The wife is fine with Nashville but I've bitched about it for 11 years and finally broke her down. She's on board now oh yeah
Yeah I'd take it from Ken. So you're soon off to Canada then? My career isn't transferable, although then again I have pretty good "relations" with a luthier in Saskatchewan so yeah. I'm trying to learn all the skillz I can at work so if/when I need to bail I'll have similar options to those currently feeding my bank account.

I'm oddly content with Calipornia these days. I'm also happy with my bass tone. I currently have two tube amps, two particular fuzzes, and two basses that I could easily be buried with, were it not for my penchant toward cremation. I honestly think that them two happiness circles are related, because I'm just that weird.
lol I found the link to the R.A. Dickey interview more interesting. My old lady is friends with his wife and didn't even know who he was. One day last summer she was like, "hey, do you know a guy named R.A. Dickey?" I just stared blankly at her.


Anyway...haha...that event would make me run, screaming, to the other side of the country. I dig their message, but seriously, what a bunch of hypocrites.
So I got the list of paperwork that I need to turn in to even discuss getting a mortgage. LOL @ that, apparently banks won't just throw $500k at anyone with a first initial anymore?! How can I blame Obama for this, I know it's that damn Kenyan's fault. :mad:
We're looking at around $180k max really. Our current neighborhood is still usually $250k and up, but the next town over is slightly cheaper. Other side of the freeway can be like $100k but I'd rather not slum it. Too much mariachi for me. :loco: