So we went to the house near the mountains (Cherry Valley, CA) and even with a few repairs required, it's fucking gorgeous. It even has a god damn well in the front yard. Where we live now is near the tail end of suburban LA sprawl that begins at the coast and dies off 90 miles inland (we're about 80 miles inland currently, right on the edge, Jonathan are you paying attention
), which is quite nice because the mountains are 30 minutes away and the desert is about an hour, but we're not in BFE so can be quite urban with our hipster sushi dinners any night of the week when we so choose. And the downtown area by us is fucking awesome, great food/booze/culture, so we do like it here.
From Cherry Valley my commute would be 22 miles and hers would be 30. Even with us carpooling that means 30+ minutes each way, which... ehhhhh. I literally drive 7 miles per day commuting, she's around 20 roundtrip. I really don't want to give that up, short distance driving in Califuckia isn't exactly a luxury, but it does take some planning and/or luck.
But fuck me. A view of the mountains from the front and back yards? Anda mortgage that's cheaper than our current monthly rent? That's fuckin' awesome. We'll see. BLAH BLAHH BLAHB ALBHALHBALH RAWR RWAR SHE-BEAR
From Cherry Valley my commute would be 22 miles and hers would be 30. Even with us carpooling that means 30+ minutes each way, which... ehhhhh. I literally drive 7 miles per day commuting, she's around 20 roundtrip. I really don't want to give that up, short distance driving in Califuckia isn't exactly a luxury, but it does take some planning and/or luck.
But fuck me. A view of the mountains from the front and back yards? Anda mortgage that's cheaper than our current monthly rent? That's fuckin' awesome. We'll see. BLAH BLAHH BLAHB ALBHALHBALH RAWR RWAR SHE-BEAR