Fuckin eh!!! I get such a rush when I see GOD HIMSELF write in here. Excellent stuff.
I'm also excited that they'll be playing the Opera House here in Toronto. It's a great venue, much much larger and acoustically better than the 2 other places they played here (reverb and big bop). It's going to be good!
Shit, I just remembered, I'm "banned" from the Opera House, hahah. Last time I went to a show there by a band called Zygote they had some little teenage punk dicks searching people before they went in. Of course, like a fearless idiot, I had a tiny spliff in front shirt breast pocket, and the little prick felt it through my shirt and actually had the fucking NERVE to try to quickly reach his hand into my pocket to snag the joint. What a fucking loser! It's *pissed* me off royally. Sensing the fact that I could get fucked (arrested and charged, though in retrospect probably not) for this, I batted his hand away as he tried to stuff it into my pocket and I said "fuckoff!, it's only a joint", and then he tried AGAIN to stick his hand in there, and I just about lost it! I felt personally violated and threatened by his trying TWICE to stick his hand in my pocket without my expressed consent. What the fuck was that? Loser. I'm not a violent person or anything, but when I feel threatened something takes over and my martial arts training kicks in, like I go on auto-pilot. So I jumped back and away from the dick and I assumed a fighting position like I was going to kick him and I was ready to take his fucking head off if he tried a third time. Fortunately he didn't and I didn't have to knock his head off, and I definitely would have if *anyone* had came aggressively toward me at that time cuz I was like a frightened animal in fight or flight mode, my adrenal glands were pumping and my heart was racing. So anyway, some big fucking bouncer working the door saw what was happening and that a fight between me and the seacher dick was about to break out and yelled "what's going on?" and the fucking dick who tried to stick his hand into my pocket pointed at me and said "that guy's got a joint in his pocket". So the bouncer told us (me and my gf) to "get the fuck out" and that we were "banned from the Opera House". hahah. So we left and I didn't think much of it, we walked about 10 mins back to my car and started driving home, passing the venue on the way, and as we drove by there was a cop stopped outside of the venue talking to the bouncer that told us to leave and another cop was driving very slowly in the opposite direction of us (the direction we left walking in), and this cop has his windows rolled down and was sizing up the people walking down the street. I think they were looking for us, at least it seemed that way at the time.
What the FUCK is up with that??? This was supposed to be Canada and I felt like I was in fucking Utah or communist China something. We concluded that the bouncer and the searcher dick were just cunts and they were pissed that I got away so they called the cops cuz they are cunts who just wanted to fuck up our night. What losers. I don't know what they were trying to achieve anyway. If a cop came toward me I would just eat the joint and that would be the end of that (not that anyone gets in shit with the law for having a joint nowadays anyway). I can only imagine that the idiots working at this venue are so lacking in lives of their own and are so hopelessly pathetic that it would actually bring joy to their dismal little lives to get someone in trouble with the law. How lame. At first I was really pissed, but now I just feel sorry for them for being such total losers.
Anyway, if you go to this gig, you WILL be searched thoroughly.