More people = more bands. It's that simple. Belgium or Finland can't compete with the U.S. because the limited population can only allow for one or two strong metal scenes.

In the US, there are enough people, across large enough terriory to allow for multiple scenes to spring up independently of each other. People who claim the U.S. is the best at death metal should take into account that they may be just pitting the collective death metal scene of the US against that of another country.

That is why, when comparing U.S. death metal to that of another country, one should specify which regional scene of the US that is contending in the comparison. It's not fair to combine the Florida scene with the New York and Texas scene and compare it to Belgium's, for example.

Yes, the U.S. wins in terms of diversity and output of quality death metal bands, but that is due largely to the fact that it's such a large country with different regions, which in a social sense function as individual countries.
It's not like it's a game that has to be fair. The US has more good bands than Poland and pretty much any other European country. Therefore it has the best scene. I really don't see a reason in a discussion like this to have to split up the US scenes. If you want to pit the entirety of Europe against the US, then I still think the US has a better scene, in both past and current releases.
This guy knows what he's talking about. :kickass:
Thanks, the Floridian scene is the one that appeals to me the most, I prefer that style of guitar playing, it can be very headbangable abd yet very catchy at times as well. The New York style can seem stale to me at times, kinda like later Suffocation(I thought Effigy and Pierced were good though) and Immolation, though I will admit Incantation is growing on me, but generally the New York scene just doesn't stick with me as well. Texas, I guess this is mainly a place for brutal death metal, I like some of the stuff from Devourment and Deeds of Flesh but I haven't loved their music, it's fine to listen to, I prefer Dying Fetus who to me has a lot better breakdowns(they make you want to jump up and mosh) and better vocals too, Devourment seems to use inhaled very low pig squeals, or at lease that's what it sounds like to me, doesn't sound great to me vocalwise, it's good, and better than those gurgles.
Zephyrus, your population thesis is silly.

ohiogrinder, Demigod is Finnish.

The US has put out tons of superb Death Metal, but the majority of new Death Metal that I'm listening to today is fairly scattered, probably most centered in Sweden. Scandinavian Death Metal will always reign supreme for me overall, but the US has put out some of the best as well, from Possessed, to Hellwitch, to Cianide, to Incantation, Morbid Angel, Morpheus Descends, etc.

The only good Death Metal from Poland that I can think of is early Vader. Behemoth, Decapitated, Dies Irae, Sceptic, etc., are boring.
The Flordida and NY scenes produced some high quality stuff, but doesn't top the Swedish and Finnish scenes, particularly not when putting both of them together. The modern US scene for the most part sucks. Unique Leader-ish shit.
Scandinavian Death Metal > American Death Metal.

At least in the past. Currently DM is in a pretty horrid state overall, but I'd still pick Scandinavian over American cause they have stuff like Evocation, Nominon, Nerlich etc.
Scandinavian DM wins in a landslide.

Haha, in a landslide?

Well yeah, it's not even close right? It's not like Altars of Madness, Blessed are the Sick, Covenant, Human, Focus, Here in After, Close to a World Below, Deicide, Legion, Cause of Death, Piece of Time, Unquestionable Presence, Effigy of the Forgotten, Pierced from Within came from the U.S. or anything.

Oh wait...:rolleyes:
Haha, in a landslide?

Well yeah, it's not even close right? It's not like Altars of Madness, Blessed are the Sick, Covenant, Human, Focus, Here in After, Close to a World Below, Deicide, Legion, Cause of Death, Piece of Time, Unquestionable Presence, Effigy of the Forgotten, Pierced from Within came from the U.S. or anything.

Oh wait...:rolleyes:

Whoa, is it namedropping classics time already? Ok, let's try and be civilized about it without the "my opinion is better than yours" garbage.
Ok, here goes_Scandinavian DM:
In Pains, A Velvet Creation, North from Here, The Karelian Isthmus, Soulside Journey, Into Eternity, Ancient God of Evil, The Winterlong, Slumber of Sullen Eyes, The Nocturnal Silence, Shadows in the Deep, Saltrubbed Eyes, Fornever Laid to Rest, Winter of Sin, Blod-Draum, The Red in the Sky is Ours, Beyond Sanctorum.
And I'm forgetting some more.

Well, Unquestionable Presence is godly and Human and the first three MA albums are great. The moment I realize what's so jawdroppingly amazing about Close to a World Below(aside from the good title track) pigs will start to fly. Suffocation, Obituary and Deicide are overrated- their music doesn't "move" me.
another shit thread, who fucking cares?
Your posts are worthless and meaningless. Go away.

I wouldn't say that the US has a better Death metal scene than the Europeans, but its close.

Also, no one talks about the South American DM scene. Bands like Pentagram(Chile), Hadez(Brazil), Mortem(Peru) and Sadism are all worth your time.
Whoa, is it namedropping classics time already? Ok, let's try and be civilized about it without the "my opinion is better than yours" garbage.
Ok, here goes_Scandinavian DM:
In Pains, A Velvet Creation, North from Here, The Karelian Isthmus, Soulside Journey, Into Eternity, Ancient God of Evil, The Winterlong, Slumber of Sullen Eyes, The Nocturnal Silence, Shadows in the Deep, Saltrubbed Eyes, Fornever Laid to Rest, Winter of Sin, Blod-Draum, The Red in the Sky is Ours, Beyond Sanctorum.
And I'm forgetting some more.

Well, Unquestionable Presence is godly and Human and the first three MA albums are great. The moment I realize what's so jawdroppingly amazing about Close to a World Below(aside from the good title track) pigs will start to fly. Suffocation, Obituary and Deicide are overrated- their music doesn't "move" me.

Firstly, some of those albums you listed aren't exactly groundbreaking or important to the scene in any kind of way. If we were going to list all death metal albums from Europe and the U.S. it wouldn't be much of a contest. I was naming albums of importance and significance only.

Anyway, my point is as follows: Calling European Death metal over American Death metal a landslide is ridiculous. I wouldn't even know how to compute whether one scene is better than another. Both scenes contributed to the Death Metal genre greatly. Can't we just leave it at that?