It's not like it's a game that has to be fair. The US has more good bands than Poland and pretty much any other European country. Therefore it has the best scene. I really don't see a reason in a discussion like this to have to split up the US scenes. If you want to pit the entirety of Europe against the US, then I still think the US has a better scene, in both past and current releases.

Seeing as this is all a matter of opinion, it doesn't matter what quantities of bands/scenes you're comparing because the individual's opinion will not change. One person may like Poland's bands a lot better than the US' and that is their opinion. Just because a torrent of opinions supports one party doesn't make it fact.

@ Dodens. Seeing as the overall argument is silly to begin with, any theses supporting either side of the argument is thus rendered silly as well. You have to admit that it is silly to try to determine which country's metal scene is better because "better" is a subjective modifier based on opinion.

Now a good way to improve the integrity of this debate is to introduce more concrete terms by which the compared metal scenes are judged. This could be a measure by counting albums sold. Unfortunately, this cannot work because popularity does not equal quality, and quality, pertaining to music, relies heavily on aesthetic opinion, which renders the argument silly as I explained before.

In conclusion, it makes little sense trying to determine which country, or region's metal scene is the best, because different people will favor different scenes according to their individual tastes, and taste in music does not, and should not be influenced by facts or the opinions of others.
Of course we know it is opinion. This is a forum about music, everything is opinion. I am arguing reasons why I feel my opinion is correct and why I feel yours is incorrect. If you think that is silly why participate in any discussion?
I havent quite gotten into Euro DM yet, but Hypocrisy was decent from the track I had heard, Behemoth was too, I've never been into the At The Gates Slaughter of The Soul stuff, I really thought when I heard the song Slaughter of The Soul "What the fuck's up, this sounds like metalcore music, the vocals are decent but these riffs, I'm not into them"
I havent quite gotten into Euro DM yet, but Hypocrisy was decent from the track I had heard, Behemoth was too, I've never been into the At The Gates Slaughter of The Soul stuff, I really thought when I heard the song Slaughter of The Soul "What the fuck's up, this sounds like metalcore music, the vocals are decent but these riffs, I'm not into them"

I've always loved that album, and to this day I do not understand why people hate it so much. You can't really blame them for sounding "metalcore", though, because the genre didn't back then exist the way it does today.
I've always loved that album, and to this day I do not understand why people hate it so much. You can't really blame them for sounding "metalcore", though, because the genre didn't back then exist the way it does today.
True, I just generally don't like that Gothenburg style of riffing, maybe it's because I heard it in so much metalcore I didn't care for, about the only band I really like that uses Gothenburg type riffs is God Dethroned.
Slaughter of the Soul is one of the worst European death metal albums in existence.
Slaughter of the Soul is a terrible album and shouldn't even be mentioned in a discussion about Swedish Death Metal (unless one is talking about the time-period when Swedish DM well and truly expired).

Listen to some Therion, Seance, Carnage, Merciless and Necrophobic, please.
A reason why I like european death metal more is because the bands were more dimensional and did more things with guitars layering and harmonizing and were trance like and hypnotic. I think when euro death metal bands expirimented they still were very much death metal while when US bands experimented no longer resembled death metal.

Demigod-slumber of sullen eyes and Amorphis-the karelian isthmus are perfect examples of this.

Blastbeat driven death metal bands are really boring and death metal originally never had blastbeats so modern death metal if anything more resembles grindcore. Drumming and music on newer generation US death metal bands more resembles brutal truth,repulsion and napalm death than say a death metal band where death metal bands sound influenced by thrash,punk, and doom metal.

Nile,Dying Fetus and many new death metal bands are basically grindcore. I think so

brutal death metal bands are grindcore.
A reason why I like european death metal more is because the bands were more dimensional and did more things with guitars layering and harmonizing and were trance like and hypnotic. I think when euro death metal bands expirimented they still were very much death metal while when US bands experimented no longer resembled death metal.

Demigod-slumber of sullen eyes and Amorphis-the karelian isthmus are perfect examples of this.

Blastbeat driven death metal bands are really boring and death metal originally never had blastbeats so modern death metal if anything more resembles grindcore. Drumming and music on newer generation US death metal bands more resembles brutal truth,repulsion and napalm death than say a death metal band where death metal bands sound influenced by thrash,punk, and doom metal.

Nile,Dying Fetus and many new death metal bands are basically grindcore. I think so

brutal death metal bands are grindcore.

But weren't blastbeats introduced by hardcore punk and thrash metal?
I can't explain this how I want too because it's not as plain as I am putting it.:) .