No, I mean the over all vibe. No boarders. We are all just humans here. Musicians, AE's ect . . but human. Gotta love the interwebs.
Unless you own guns, then you are a right wing nutjob!

No, I mean the over all vibe. No boarders. We are all just humans here. Musicians, AE's ect . . but human. Gotta love the interwebs.
sometimes people forget what a diverse country we are.
Btw, I really like the way you think! It's very similar to mine =)
Thanks dude
I got to do this whole "Christmas" thing tonight. Sucks being the only non Jesus believing dude in my family. I get a little frustrated and I have to bite my tongue a lot. It's at my house so there is no escape.![]()
Unless you own guns, then you are a right wing nutjob!
and this is the exact reason why I want to visit the states some day and live there for a couple years before doing something else. I like the fact that there are people from all over the world in USA but they're all considered americans - if they have a citizenship that is. In Sweden, you're surely enough a swede if you're a citizen... well, on paper you are. If I walk up to a blonde swedish dude and say I'm swedish, he would not accept it. There's too much of a race "pureness" going on here behind the scenes, although "officially" it's not like that. That's what I like about USA... a gazillion mixed races but they're all american.
I do own guns. Definitely not a right winger.
I guess I'm nonpartisan?
Heh, tell me about it. My mom sometimes thanks god because my father raked in an extra high salary during a month. Did it not occur to her it might've been my father's work that got him the extra high salary rather than god smiling upon my father and somehow made the boss give him a higher salary? I mean come on... some people... oh how it infuriates me that they are SO ignorant.
I got to do this whole "Christmas" thing tonight. Sucks being the only non Jesus believing dude in my family. I get a little frustrated and I have to bite my tongue a lot. It's at my house so there is no escape.![]()
Öwen;8783697 said:I guess that explains all the anti christian rants then![]()
All I will say is... I work in the American Healthcare system in management, and I would whoeheartedly agree that there definitely needs to be reform, but I feel this bill, at least what I know of it because honestly who's read the thing, is going to do more damage than good.
That said, here is my personal opinion: I don't know about you, but I bust my ASS for my paycheck, and I like spending my own money versus having the government spend it for me. I don't have enough money for my own family to survive comfortably, let alone having the government take even more of my hard earned pay so someone else who is obviously not motivated enough to get a job with benefits can have healthcare. And... don't even say that there is no opporunity, because that's bullshit. There's plenty of opportunity for those who look hard enough. Fuck this bill. Fuck this President. Fuck this Senate.
Sorry... touchy subject for me.
quoting for truth "Fuck this bill. Fuck this President. Fuck this Senate"
That said, here is my personal opinion: I don't know about you, but I bust my ASS for my paycheck, and I like spending my own money versus having the government spend it for me. I don't have enough money for my own family to survive comfortably, let alone having the government take even more of my hard earned pay so someone else who is obviously not motivated enough to get a job with benefits can have healthcare. And... don't even say that there is no opporunity, because that's bullshit.
Öwen;8783758 said:I don't get this sort of argument, what happens if you were to come down with some sort of life threatening problem that required multiple surgeries and your insurance company dropped your cover after the first couple, you as the sole breadwinner can't get money to pay your surgeries or feed your family, the insurance company has fucked off with all the money you paid them and you have no money left.
In this sort of scenario you're well and truely up shit creek, without government covering your surgery you'd most likely die. Sure it's an unlikely scenario, but it illustrates a point, giving your money to government to pay for your surgeries as opposed to a company purely motivated by profit makes more sense.
It has always made sense for governments to protect their workforce, because after all you are whats giving them taxes, therefore it makes sense to government to keep you alive because its profitable, whereas to an insurance company the situation is exactly the opposite, they'll leave you up shit creek without a paddle because they're losing money on you in the short term as opposed to gaining it in the long.
Just food for thought.