Aaron Smith
Envisage Audio
fear-mongering tripe. at least with health care we are trying to take some postive steps forward... far more noble than doing nothing, AGAIN.
more time and revisions wouldn't make a difference... conservative dogma would win out amongst those inclined to it's "ministry of fear" propaganda either way you slice it. the health care bill may well not be perfect, but it damned sure cannot "ruin the country", or any of the other childishly inane sound-bites the Right spew out daily. to understand that is to understand that doing nothing would amount yet another victory for the insurance lobby and their interests.
"ruin the country"... pffffttt![]()
Merely trying to take positive steps forward can easily be a bad thing if it is done incorrectly. You are a smart dude and I am certain you understand this, so I am surprised that you are so quick you claim that what's being done right now is most definitely positive. I would much rather have discussions and debates about the inner-workings of health care itself, rather than leave intact the assumption that insurance = the answer. And certainly you weren't the first person to bring politics into this thread, but it's silly to me that you would immediately jump all over that article and proclaim that it is merely fear-mongering, akin to the politicized fear-mongering we often get from the Right. To lump the Austrian School thinker into that category is nonsensical.