Bass Fellow said:
That sucks for you guys. My pass was gone when I got there(Detroit) but it all worked out. Got eveyone's, minus Scott, autograph on the Notman face of N.F.M.B. shirt. Smells like an ashtray :)

My daugther got Joey's, Dan's and Scott's on her hoodie. Frankie and Charlie got missed:yell:
jdelpi said:
There was someone backstage from Sanctuary. I told Buddy to zip his lips so he didn't appear to be representing official band opinion on their shittiness.
Yeah, I already did that for them.
I've burned my bridge with Sanctuary records, poured fuel on the ashes, and tried burning it again.
Also, I not only REFUSE to deal with that worthless fan-hating label, but I REFUSE to purchase ANYTHING that has to do with Sanctuary records.


I still can't believe how fucked up HOB is...???
Canthraxadian said:
.......By the end of the night, I had a photo pass, which got me upstairs, then I got an all access pass, and as I was right next to the room about to go in, they said it wasn't good enough.......

There were major screw ups on the HOB part, but the problem was that there were way to many people upstairs that should not have been there. Not to rag on you Pink...but you state you had a photo pass. That alone should not have gotten you upstairs. HOB has a policy of no one under 21 allowed upstairs when there is alcohol present...well there were probably 25 people under the age of 21. Charlie was pissed that everone was grabbing all the beer, drinking all the Crown when no one even asked....

......Some dumbass security man cleared the dressing room while I was gone and I found out later Alex fuckin' Ross was kicked out, of all people.........

yep that security guy (tall skinny black dude) was an asshole. I told Alex to stay because he was Alex Ross and he said that it was ok, and left. That security guard even went as far and tried to grab Charlie from behind (he didnt even know he was in the band)but me and my friend actually grabbed the guard and told him to get his fucken hands off Charle or there was gonna be a problem. Same guy hassled me as I was going upstairs earlier in the day with an all access Anthrax pass, and an all access HOB pass.

Who are you, did we meet?. That black guy was a prick.
ThraxDude said:
Yeah, I already did that for them.
I've burned my bridge with Sanctuary records, poured fuel on the ashes, and tried burning it again.
Also, I not only REFUSE to deal with that worthless fan-hating label, but I REFUSE to purchase ANYTHING that has to do with Sanctuary records.

Have things really gone that downhill since the CMC International days? Haven't dealt with anyone at Sanctuary for many years, but when they were CMC, there was a guy there named Brian O'Neill. Nicest guy anyone in the press would ever want to deal with. (There WAS one woman there who was a pain in the ass to deal with, but I don't remember her name anymore. I do remember I'd always cringe anytime I had to deal with her.)

I know it's a stupid question, but could you elaborate on the problems with Sanctuary?
WE ended going stealth sneaking around ..... but we got the job the Box with Joeys wife. And the end of the night my daughter 14 had a wristband on so 'joey's wife and one of the Managers were bringing people upstairs and we were on or way when some dickhead see MEL... ask how old she was..... i told her to tell him how old she was she sez 21 and shows the wristband... guys sez ok.... then another dude sez hold on lets see the ID... she sez dont have it..... and the look at her and take here wristband..... Could you imaging the look when she pulled out her jr. high school ID......DOugh.............. BAD dad........
>>There WAS one woman there who was a pain in the ass to deal with, but I don't remember her name anymore. I do remember I'd always cringe anytime I had to deal with her<<

Hey Daily-

was it Laura Kauffman??

Sanctuary is pretty bad. Was WCFYA a one record deal or what?
Midwest Metal said:
>>There WAS one woman there who was a pain in the ass to deal with, but I don't remember her name anymore. I do remember I'd always cringe anytime I had to deal with her<<

Hey Daily-

was it Laura Kauffman??

Sanctuary is pretty bad. Was WCFYA a one record deal or what?

Oh, shit, I think it was. Always acted like you were bothering her whenever you made a request, never mind the fact that dealing with the press was her job.

Thanks, man... just when I got the night sweats to go away... :grin:
dailyvault said:
I know it's a stupid question, but could you elaborate on the problems with Sanctuary?
I'd love to.... where do I start....?
Well, myself and another baord member started the OFFICIAL Anthrax street team back before WCFYA came out. I don't know what happened to the other guy, but I took charge of the street team here in the US.
Charlie told me to e-mail all the street teamers info to Nick from Sanctuary Records. I think Nick sent everyone some WCFYA postcards (A COUPLE MONTHS AFTER THE CD WAS RELEASED) to pass around.
To make a long story short, Sanctuary didn't help me out after that. They did give some stuff to Tim Dralle (ex-manager) though. And he sent flyers and stuff to street teamers who requested it. I cannot stress enough how much Tim helped the street team. He hooked everyone up on the guestlists and sent them whatever they needed, etc.
The OFFICIAL Anthrax street team (myself and you guys, you know who you are) also got the song "Safe Home" #1 on The Zone in Chicago for I think 21 weeks in a row.
Then, one day, some guy from Sanctuary posted on the board telling us that it would help if we voted for Tesla too because they're on the same label.
So for a week or two Anthrax and Tesla were #1 and #2 respectively.
THEN- I still cannot believe this- some douchebag from Sanctuary posted on the board asking us to let Tesla win!!! We basically told that asshole to FUCK OFF. And we kept Anthrax #1. But then, suddenly, "Safe Home" was booted off of the poll!!! And Tesla was #1 for a long time. (Out of spite, I tried voting for ANY OTHER BAND besides Tesla.):grin:
Sanctuary hasn't done anything for me and the street team since WCFYA, except sending shit to Tim. Even after Tim was gone. I'd contact Nick and was ignored a few times.
Then I met the guys from Zen Media (new management) online through e-mails. I contacted Nick from Sanctuary about getting something to promote GOTE with. He fucking told me that he could provide some leftover promotional stickers from Sanctuary's street team (Big Mouth), and he said, "HOWEVER, I want to start seeing proof that your actually using the stickers and their not just sitting in someone's bedroom."
Needless to say, I was FUCKING LIVID. That's when I told Nick to go fuck himself. Zen Media didn't approve, but oh well.
The day after that incident, I got an e-mail from Nick saying that he would send out a few thousand stickers, but Zen Media wanted him to send them to ME. I got the stickers. I asked Zen Media who I should send the reciepts to. They said that Nick would pay me back.
So I asked the street team who wanted to use them, and mailed them out to about 55 street teamers. I think we were the ONLY people who promoted GOTE.
I sent the bill for shipping ($267) to Nick from Sanctuary. I have a tracking number. Nick received the receipts on January 31. Zen Media told me that Nick did in fact receive the receipts.
Do you think they paid me back...?
I didn't mention this, but us street teamers are NOT on anyone's payroll. We do this because we are/were fans of Anthrax. We did everything on our SPARE TIME for free.
ThraxDude said:
I'd love to.... where do I start....?
Well, myself and another baord member started the OFFICIAL Anthrax street team back before WCFYA came out. I don't know what happened to the other guy, but I took charge of the street team here in the US.
Charlie told me to e-mail all the street teamers info to Nick from Sanctuary Records. I think Nick sent everyone some WCFYA postcards (A COUPLE MONTHS AFTER THE CD WAS RELEASED) to pass around.
To make a long story short, Sanctuary didn't help me out after that. They did give some stuff to Tim Dralle (ex-manager) though. And he sent flyers and stuff to street teamers who requested it. I cannot stress enough how much Tim helped the street team. He hooked everyone up on the guestlists and sent them whatever they needed, etc.
The OFFICIAL Anthrax street team (myself and you guys, you know who you are) also got the song "Safe Home" #1 on The Zone in Chicago for I think 21 weeks in a row.
Then, one day, some guy from Sanctuary posted on the board telling us that it would help if we voted for Tesla too because they're on the same label.
So for a week or two Anthrax and Tesla were #1 and #2 respectively.
THEN- I still cannot believe this- some douchebag from Sanctuary posted on the board asking us to let Tesla win!!! We basically told that asshole to FUCK OFF. And we kept Anthrax #1. But then, suddenly, "Safe Home" was booted off of the poll!!! And Tesla was #1 for a long time. (Out of spite, I tried voting for ANY OTHER BAND besides Tesla.):grin:
Sanctuary hasn't done anything for me and the street team since WCFYA, except sending shit to Tim. Even after Tim was gone. I'd contact Nick and was ignored a few times.
Then I met the guys from Zen Media (new management) online through e-mails. I contacted Nick from Sanctuary about getting something to promote GOTE with. He fucking told me that he could provide some leftover promotional stickers from Sanctuary's street team (Big Mouth), and he said, "HOWEVER, I want to start seeing proof that your actually using the stickers and their not just sitting in someone's bedroom."
Needless to say, I was FUCKING LIVID. That's when I told Nick to go fuck himself. Zen Media didn't approve, but oh well.
The day after that incident, I got an e-mail from Nick saying that he would send out a few thousand stickers, but Zen Media wanted him to send them to ME. I got the stickers. I asked Zen Media who I should send the reciepts to. They said that Nick would pay me back.
So I asked the street team who wanted to use them, and mailed them out to about 55 street teamers. I think we were the ONLY people who promoted GOTE.
I sent the bill for shipping ($267) to Nick from Sanctuary. I have a tracking number. Nick received the receipts on January 31. Zen Media told me that Nick did in fact receive the receipts.
Do you think they paid me back...?

That assclown Nick is still sending Anthrax promotional materials to Tim FUCKING Dralle more than 6 months after he and the band parted ways. What a fucking waste of time and money.
jdelpi said:
That assclown Nick is still sending Anthrax promotional materials to Tim FUCKING Dralle more than 6 months after he and the band parted ways. What a fucking waste of time and money.

I heard that Nick isn't even suitable as a fucking intern for a normal record label.

One more thing, someone told me that Sanctuary is the worst record label Anthrax has ever been on. But saying that is like saying "Shit stinks."
Don't fret Mistress Pink, at least you got your passes. The woman at Harpos looked at me like I was insane and thumbed me inside. Let it be known, though, that when I am King, and one day I WILL be King, you dear, will have "all access"... :tickled: :tickled: