using the drum samples here... basic steps to load 'em?


Jun 15, 2008
Im too lazy to search this matter in the forum. Do tell me what are the basic steps on how to load the drum samples for example Joey's snare into my drum programmes. Im using 3 different synths from time to time. Well i got EZ drummer, Addicitve drums and the session drummer which is already there in Sonar7.

Luking forward for this. \m/
Im too lazy to search this matter in the forum. Do tell me what are the basic steps on how to load the drum samples for example Joey's snare into my drum programmes. Im using 3 different synths from time to time. Well i got EZ drummer, Addicitve drums and the session drummer which is already there in Sonar7.

Luking forward for this. m/


Personally,I think the level of this forum is falling down....
When I came in the forum I didn't ask redicolous things...I search, I read and I learned. After that, I asked my questions.
Now, there are 2 case: 1- I'm a genius 2- All You that make these stupid thread with stupid questions (because you're lazy) are stupid.
yeah i knw, social! I learned a lot of tips and tricks here as well. To be honest, ive alredy make a search here and and other forums as well. No right answers im getting. In the sticky thread itself doesn't mention clearly how to load the samples on any certain synths. I'll try to do tht on ezdrummer after dis.

i'm no englishman, i guess thts no joke for u all! I'm very sorry for what i wrote. I'm running out of time cuz ther's a band wif no patience out there keep on asking when their songs will be done. i was a bit tense when writing this thread yesterday.

i just hope my question will be answered so others can learn as well from all the senior members here. Its not tht i have no respect but again.. as a man, im really sorry.

btw, my main DAW right now is Acid Pro 6 and Sonar 7 PE.
yeah i knw, social! I learned a lot of tips and tricks here as well. To be honest, ive alredy make a search here and and other forums as well. No right answers im getting. In the sticky thread itself doesn't mention clearly how to load the samples on any certain synths. I'll try to do tht on ezdrummer after dis.

i'm no englishman, i guess thts no joke for u all! I'm very sorry for what i wrote. I'm running out of time cuz ther's a band wif no patience out there keep on asking when their songs will be done. i was a bit tense when writing this thread yesterday.

i just hope my question will be answered so others can learn as well from all the senior members here. Its not tht i have no respect but again.. as a man, im really sorry.

btw, my main DAW right now is Acid Pro 6 and Sonar 7 PE.

Its alright to be a n00b.. I still consider myself to be one anyway.

But I belive technical questions like that about specific apps are best answered in tutorials, help files and forums that most companies usually have on their websites.

If you really are too lazy, then at least pretend that you're not and say something like "I tried searching and reading threads but I could not find what I was looking for."