According to the two "V" albums with the look-alike covers which were released very close to each other:
I wondered about that, when they were released, also, but was forntunate enough to look it up, since I bought both albums on release (and they're both quite good, even though The New Mythology Suite surpasses the other album by many many lengths). The other album is from Spock's Beard, which do Progressive Rock, but are a bit cheesy at times and have a bad habit in using annoying noises at the start or end of their songs sometimes. The album contains two overlong songs (one 16:28 and one 27:01 minutes long) as well as four normal songs, but their songs were never as complete and satisfying as Symphony's almost always are, although they do have some good moments and ideas.
Alas, back to the two covers: According to the booklet, the image on Symphony's album was drawn by Kazuo Hakamada, while the image on Spock's Beard's album (which is more like a photo-collage, really, even though the sky and the desert look astoundingly similar, yet not alike) was designed by Thomas Ewerhard. So it looks like quite a coincidence - especially with the name of the album combined. (I cannot believe that IO ordered the same kind of cover twice
I wondered about that, when they were released, also, but was forntunate enough to look it up, since I bought both albums on release (and they're both quite good, even though The New Mythology Suite surpasses the other album by many many lengths). The other album is from Spock's Beard, which do Progressive Rock, but are a bit cheesy at times and have a bad habit in using annoying noises at the start or end of their songs sometimes. The album contains two overlong songs (one 16:28 and one 27:01 minutes long) as well as four normal songs, but their songs were never as complete and satisfying as Symphony's almost always are, although they do have some good moments and ideas.
Alas, back to the two covers: According to the booklet, the image on Symphony's album was drawn by Kazuo Hakamada, while the image on Spock's Beard's album (which is more like a photo-collage, really, even though the sky and the desert look astoundingly similar, yet not alike) was designed by Thomas Ewerhard. So it looks like quite a coincidence - especially with the name of the album combined. (I cannot believe that IO ordered the same kind of cover twice