Varg Vikernes: "I Am Ready For Society".

Varg should be happy he didn't murder anyone in America, or I think he would've been executed by now. It's interesting how vastly different the Norwegian justice system than the American one, but Europe is generally ahead of America in terms of social devlopment so maybe its for the better.
i don't know about being executed. Depends in which state he would of committed the murder. But anyways if it wasn't a Capital Punishment state then he surely would of gotten alot more years then he got in Norway.
A good friend of mine who lives in Stavanger just told me he's not out yet, but should be very shortly. Paperwork (or wall etchings) I guess.
This fuckin' guys a murderer. I don't know all the mitigating circumstances, but it is what it is. Let him fuckin' rot in jail. Varg isn't relative anymore. He did create some excellent black metal mininalism music, but he killed the fucker. How do people support this bullshit?
This fuckin' guys a murderer. I don't know all the mitigating circumstances, but it is what it is. Let him fuckin' rot in jail. Varg isn't relative anymore. He did create some excellent black metal mininalism music, but he killed the fucker. How do people support this bullshit?

So prison should be about punishment for the sake of punishment? You're fucking smart.

He seems to have gotten his shit together. I'd say he's pretty much rehabilitated, so keeping him locked up would serve no purpose. I don't condone what he did, but he's served his sentence. Let the fucker go and spend time with his family.

Don't be a fucking idiot.
Burzum definitely isn't mediocre. You aren't allowed to have opinions on black metal anymore.

Just so you're aware, Varg would be out in a few years even if he didn't get paroled, since Norway doesn't have life sentences. The main difference between him getting out now and getting out then is that he'll be able to be there as a father and husband for his young son and wife, something that they would have missed out on had he remained in jail for the rest of his sentence. He isn't dangerous anymore, and nobody has any legitimate reason to assume that he is. Nobody is justifying him killing Euronymous, but it clearly began as self-defense and keeping him in jail for a few more years wouldn't really make any difference aside from keeping him from his family.