Vehemence European Support


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
Alright Vehemence is trying to tour all of Europe late summer next year, anyone that can help will be much appreciated. Please list Venues or contacts of supporters that can make this possible if you know of any. I already know a grip that can make it happen but you can never have enough. Alright shoot them on over. From what I seen from the Press Release folder I got from MBR germany, looks we were greatly advertised more than America, in Europe.

I don't know if Sweden or Denmark is a part of your touring plan? If so, I could definately help you out.
Hey John,

Don't know any promoters, but check out this site:

I used this site alot before I went on my trips around Europe. It gave me the names, addresses, phone numbers and web addresses of alot of places that I ended up going to in Germany, The Netherlands and Austria. It has all the major and many minor clubs that have metal shows, record stores and cool bars to hang out at.

Also, I can put you in touch with the guys from PRIMORDIAL (Ireland), THYRFING (Sweden), ANCIENT RITES (Belgium) and DEW-SCENTED (Germany) if you want. I know them all personally and maybe you can set up some shows with them or maybe they can help point you in the right direction in setting up shows in their areas.
Germany I don't know off. But in Denmark, some of the better places in Copenhagen are Loppen, Vega or Tex. Loppen is seated right in the part of the city where some drugs are legal, but it's a chill place and even Suffocation or Infernal Majesty played there. Vega too, great place where I've seena lot of bands. Tex is a pub and bar but there's also bands playing there, only metal. Give me some time with Sweden though.
Not a lot of bands in Denmark either, you know. Or Norway. But Norway is busy with their panda metal anyhow so...
i know a hundrdsz bands willing to open up for uopyou ion denmark, i am too drunk now dear but i eioll talk to them later ok???????+
Uh, last time I was in the Netherlands I smoked the wrong skunk and got blue in my head for the first time in my life. It's chill though cause I woke up after 2 hours and had like 17 beers from bar to bar, and at my friends appartment while watching a movie with whoopie goldberg, so fucking low quality, she was in a time machine and got in the middle ages where she had to save the king or some shit like that.
the Netherlands

Amsterdam is also famous for it's pornography.
The sex shops are located not just in the red light district,
but along other shopping streets. Some of the shops are huge,
a few are several stories. Along with the usual assortment of
videos, magazines, sex aids and toys, there is always something
new and unusual to check out.

Unlike similar shops in the U.S. and elsewhere, the Dutch
shops don't usually draw the line at straight or even gay sex.


There's the whole gamut of kinky sex including S&M,
beastiality, some really perverse shit, and even kiddie
porn (although they have been cracking down on this).
Remember the Dutch might tolerate this, but bringing some
of it back to your home country could get you in a lot of
trouble! Many of the porno shops also have videos to
watch and private cabins. If you can't get it off in
Amsterdam, you really have a problem!

Prostitution has been legal in the Netherlands
since Napolean made it so in 1815 and in 1996 the Dutch
government started to tax it. According to statistics there
are now more than 25000 prostitutes in the Netherlands and
over half of these are said to be illegal immigrants.

Like many cities in the world there are a large number of
brothels in Amsterdam but unlike other cities there are a
large number of red lit windows in the Red Light District
where prostitutes sell sex in their day-glo bikinis. These
windows offer protection systems for the girls and there
is also a prostitutes union (the red thread).

Sex always involves a condom and costs around 50 euros
for oral and then full sex.

There are also many brothels, both low and high class. In
high class brothels such as Yab Yums sex can cost
upwards of 150 euros an hour.

A trip to Amsterdam would not be complete without seeing
the brightly lit windows of the red light district. A real
experience for anyone.

(Stereo Type version)