Cool, since 'Warheart' has posted my videos on here, I've decided to join up to the forum.
Interesting comments I must say, some good and some bad. I must say these cover's do take a long time to make,
so this kind of feedback is good. I understand some of peoples thoughts on the video's as well. These videos aren't all about
the song cover itself, I try to appeal to a wider audience by designing extra elements and characteristics to it, so you could say even non musicians
could enjoy the video's, so it depends how you look at it. On these video's I feel some either have stronger musical playing than design effects, or vise versa,
or both concepts are about the same. I'm suprised with the lack of interest in covers such as the Bodom Beach terror one, as I felt this one was one of my strongest and with the
most effects, but maybe you find the others more appealing or better designed. Once again depends on the viewer.
I'm hoping to play at least one song from each COB album. I mainly base the design of the videos off the cover of the album I'm playing the song off. At the moment I'm thinking of
doing a track off Something Wild, mainly because the album art seems easier to make up design ideas from. But if anyone on this forum, has any song cover or design ideas I could use in the
video that would be really helpful, preferable for Something Wild or Are you Dead yet. I don't just do these videos totally for fun, I also study graphic design, so these videos help improve my skills and knowledge on how to use these programs i.e 'Adobe After Effects', 'Photoshop'. Anyway, long message, but thought I should mention this.