Very creative COB cover videos!! [YouTube]

Cool, since 'Warheart' has posted my videos on here, I've decided to join up to the forum.
Interesting comments I must say, some good and some bad. I must say these cover's do take a long time to make,
so this kind of feedback is good. I understand some of peoples thoughts on the video's as well. These videos aren't all about
the song cover itself, I try to appeal to a wider audience by designing extra elements and characteristics to it, so you could say even non musicians
could enjoy the video's, so it depends how you look at it. On these video's I feel some either have stronger musical playing than design effects, or vise versa,
or both concepts are about the same. I'm suprised with the lack of interest in covers such as the Bodom Beach terror one, as I felt this one was one of my strongest and with the
most effects, but maybe you find the others more appealing or better designed. Once again depends on the viewer.

I'm hoping to play at least one song from each COB album. I mainly base the design of the videos off the cover of the album I'm playing the song off. At the moment I'm thinking of
doing a track off Something Wild, mainly because the album art seems easier to make up design ideas from. But if anyone on this forum, has any song cover or design ideas I could use in the
video that would be really helpful, preferable for Something Wild or Are you Dead yet. I don't just do these videos totally for fun, I also study graphic design, so these videos help improve my skills and knowledge on how to use these programs i.e 'Adobe After Effects', 'Photoshop'. Anyway, long message, but thought I should mention this.
How long did it take? How much work was involved? And did it pay off? (If so, how!)

I did it over a period of two weeks, doing 2-3 hours a day, some day's longer, depending were I'm up to.
Half the time was learning the song and the other half was recording and putting it together through the design programs. The recording of myself playing the song took a while as I have to set up my home made green screen, to allow me to cut out the backdrop on the program, then i have to position the lighting correctly to prevent rough backgrounds on Adobe After Effects. Also playing with a grim reaper outfit on also made it hard to play, as the material dropped and muted the fret board occasionally, so I had to do a few takes with the cover. The actual day I recorded the Kissing the Shadows cover, we were having a heat wave here in Sydney and it was 35 degrees, but it was the only time I had to record, so I was melting in that costume, so if I look tired that's the reason.
In general it's just such a long process, but I enjoy it most of the time, and coming up with background effects is really fun. If you just do little bit's over a period of time, it's suprising how much it builds up.

I think overall, it pays off, I mean I'm improving my skills for my graphic design studies and my guitar skills are always growing as well. As long as I'm enjoying it, then yes it always pay's off.:)
Hey, made a new COB video lately, check it out here

It's also in HD.
It's me playing Children of Bodom by Children of Bodom. I think this a very underrated COB song, but I like it, so I thought I should cover it.
It's been a while since my last video, as I've been away and hard at study. I also visited Scandinavia, which kind of inspired me to make this new video.
I've tried my hardest to improve on my last video and in some ways I think I have.
I've also got some new equipment, so that's helped out. The guitar synth I've used, is the Roland Gr-20. It's a good device and I hope to use it more and more in future videos. Also I ended up getting an Ibanez Rg350dx, it suited my needs and seems a very nice guitar.
If I could complain about anything in this video it would probably just be getting the right synth sounds on Roland Gr-20, getting the audio a bit better, and working a bit harder on the song. But overall with the combined skills of After Effects and my new equipment, I'm pretty happy with this video and I've learnt a lot.:)
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Cool, since 'Warheart' has posted my videos on here, I've decided to join up to the forum.
Interesting comments I must say, some good and some bad. I must say these cover's do take a long time to make,
so this kind of feedback is good. I understand some of peoples thoughts on the video's as well. These videos aren't all about
the song cover itself, I try to appeal to a wider audience by designing extra elements and characteristics to it, so you could say even non musicians
could enjoy the video's, so it depends how you look at it. On these video's I feel some either have stronger musical playing than design effects, or vise versa,
or both concepts are about the same. I'm suprised with the lack of interest in covers such as the Bodom Beach terror one, as I felt this one was one of my strongest and with the
most effects, but maybe you find the others more appealing or better designed. Once again depends on the viewer.

I'm hoping to play at least one song from each COB album. I mainly base the design of the videos off the cover of the album I'm playing the song off. At the moment I'm thinking of
doing a track off Something Wild, mainly because the album art seems easier to make up design ideas from. But if anyone on this forum, has any song cover or design ideas I could use in the
video that would be really helpful, preferable for Something Wild or Are you Dead yet. I don't just do these videos totally for fun, I also study graphic design, so these videos help improve my skills and knowledge on how to use these programs i.e 'Adobe After Effects', 'Photoshop'. Anyway, long message, but thought I should mention this.

You could use the demo of Towards Dead End with the Something Wild artwork? Just an idea. The first three artworks are picture beautiful and I don't see how you could play those kind of effects on the cartoon-like artworks of the later albums. I'd have other ideas for you but I'm thinking about the difficulty of playing around with those HCDR, AYDY and Blooddrunk artworks..

Another idea I have is, you know the artwork for Inearthed's Shining? If you'd cover one of those songs and just google for lakeside sunrise (or whatever) pictures and do your thing, that would be pretty damn unique.
^I've got my hands on Photoshop everyday at work, but it's not so fundamental tool in getting this stuff done so I'm planning on learning things on my own, also for video editing etc, just need to find the time.

There are a couple of amazing songs on the Shining demo and it would give you free hands in doing the graphics. (I'll add you up on msn)
I agree with Arcane. The quality of the sound and quality/accuracy/skill of the guitar playing matters more than the video effects. I agree they look cool but I preffer a regular video any day. Get the fuck off of Arcanes back, he was just saying big whoop with the filters, multiple guitars are creative too