Veterans of Opeth

Look I said I dont have a problem with newbies ok..
Just as some of the opinions stated, is that the newbies should maybe do some research or something.
By the way morningrise the reason for not having so many posts is proving my point. ( Im posting to stuff thats new and interesting).
Im trying to say that those "questions" I refer to are too common and I personally thought that a solution was required.
So The FAQ page is a good idea.
Such statements will generate a lot of questions, like: When are you considered a newbie, when are you a veteran, how many albums must you own to be an Opeth-fan, are you really into Opeth if you've never seen them live, etc etc.. :o
What is wrong with IGNORING a post that you don't like?

If new people keep posting the same questions then think of as training for when you have kids.:)

Enjoy the moment.......
Geez VT:

So BWP was my first Opeth experience. I have since purchased ALL Opeth CD's and have had a listen, and still like BWP the best (so far - only time will tell).

I think we're all newbies for life - I never feel "experienced" or "a veteran" at anything. Progress, change, evolve - kind of how I live.

Also, what is fresh(new) in your mind is usually the best because time hasn't dimmed the memory yet. Once all Opeth has dimmed through time, my opinion might change (maybe).
Well, I enjoy turning those worthy enough onto the magic of Opeth, so I guess I don't mind a few dumb questions. It shouldn't turn into an elitist movement like Black MEtal. I remember in 94 when I was first getting into it, there were all these elitist fucks doing the whole "true" , "not true" bullshit. We shouldn't let it get to that here..
Don't try and classify us into one group, just because we're relatively new to the board, doesn't mean we are uninformed about Opeth, and for new fans, give them a break, they are supporting a band THEY JUST got into. You can't expect them to buy all the cd's at once and know all about them.
Im just tired of not enough new stuff coming onto the board ok.
Cause I come here to read new shit right, so if there is something I have read before it's ok I wont read it, but if its brought up for the 50th time then it gets a bit pissy.
So when newbies arrive they like to discuss mainly blackwater park and what album they should get next blah blah
Man I want to read stuff about opeth
not how some newbie just wet their pants over still life and like it better than morningrise or whatever.........

Vi går sakta tillbaka
Stigen leder oss hem
Dagen har lidit mot sitt slut
Vi försöker glömma...
Mordet i grottan
Originally posted by VT
Man I want to read stuff about Opeth not how some newbie just wet their pants over still life and likes it better than Morningrise or whatever.
:lol: I hear ya. (remembers "wetting my pants" over MAYH) I do understand what Mr. VT here is getting at, but I think it's futile. I will admit, there are some WAAAAAAAY off the topic things going on in here, but that makes it all the more interesting to me. The best place to get quick news on Opeth used to be the Official site. When the hell is that thing going to get updated? But, this is the place to get it now. The subjects of new threads should be more clear as to what they're about maybe. That'd help.

I got it! Everyone send VT private messages when you find out something new about Opeth so he doesn't have to sift through tons of random chatter for the good stuff. ;) I'M KIDDEN. Soon you'll be bitching me out for the thousands of unwanted messages. :p

I rarely come here looking for "news". I come here for a good laugh, to see if anyone has added something insightful to a certain thread, maybe to see if Anders added anything to the "thought I'd share some old moments" thread :grin:, and just to read how others feel about the music. Even when someone just discovered Opeth that afternoon. I can understand their enthusiasm.

So, it's all good with me.
...And another thing...

Usually, if you get into a band when its early in its career (like Opeth around 'Orchid' and 'Morningrise'), you get that much more upset when "newbies" say 'Blackwater Park' is best, its the same thing with the latest Star Wars movies. Fans of the classic trilogy have a problem with younger people saying "The Phantom Menace" is the best.

I have discovered this in many of my friends - and myself - over the years.

I wasn't very old when I discovered Death's "Leprosy" album; the others thought me a sucker for liking such brutal vocals (none of us had heard death metal at the time), and treated me badly just because I dug into it.
Years later, they are all into the later, complex Death albums like "Symbolic", and then I think for myself, "shitheads, I've loved this band since the beginning - they're mine!"

if you know what I mean

Its of course unfair to be angered with people discovering great music so late though ;)

but sometimes it just feels flame me.