Video Games : New School or Old School ?

Which do you prefer?

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Insignificant Metal God
Aug 12, 2007
Which would you prefer : All time classic games (like mario, etc)
or new modern games (like F.E.A.R.?)

and Whats your fav video game?

(personally i love GTA3 and old skool mario :D)
I'm all aobut the classic Super Nintendo games like Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario World, Super Punch Out, etc, and even though it may be un-hip and what not, I enjoy the first couple Pokemon game boy games (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, and Silver).

EDIT: Shouldn't this be in the chat forum?
I prefer Modern Games. I play PS3 games like Resistance, The Darkness, and Tony Hawk's P8. The GTA series are also favourites as well as old school games like Mario and Pokemon.
Old School by far.

Zork & other IF
Myst series
Civilization series
AD&D series
The Dig
Grim Fandango
Journeyman Project series
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Gabriel Knight series
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Another World
Monkey Island series
Space Quest series

New games have forgotten how the art of gaming should always come before graphics and gameplay.
woahh! looks like people prefer the classics! nicee!

dont you think the video game industries/companies are getting kids addicted into these virtual realities. i mean, you all most probably heard of warcraft/counterstrike etc, ive seen kids play those kinda games for days with out stopping! they pratically sleep at the net cafe. its just not right to see how kids these days play games 24/7 rather than doing other benitifital activites like rocking out! and come on...guitar hero?! its kewl and all, i guess...but its certianly not the real thing! the parents would b helping ther kids alot if they actualy bought them a REAL guitar! theyd learn something new and they wont screwup their minds with virtual trash!

games are messing up the future generation, so whose fault is it?

(btw, i thought that this was the Chat forum, apparently it isnt, lol. my bad! Thanks IWP fer pointing that out)
Not having a moderator adds charm to this forum :)

I must say I have a special fondness of old games, but all the stuff that's coming out now is really difficult to ignore. Unreals, Halflifes, Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo and tons can't just stop playing them and say "I'm gonna plug my super nintendo and jump on some 2D koppas".

If new games aren't better than old ones now, the will be soon.
Rock & Roll Racing for SNES...drank a lot of whiskey and stayed up many nights playing that with friends...

Rock on!
I don't like any really old games but nor do I like any modern ones that I have played.

Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, Civilization, Fallout, Baldurs Gate, etc FTW.
OL Skool Game "Space Invaders" but the rest, any game with a good mission and good graphics:headbang:
#1 Metal Gear 1/2/3:headbang:
#2 Socom 1/2/3:headbang:
#3 Medal Of Honor 1/2/3:headbang:
#4 SyphonFilter 1/2/3/4:headbang:
#5 Dropship United Peace Force:headbang: but can't finnish:mad:
#6 Call Of Duty 1/2/3:headbang:
#7 Conflict Desert Stom 1/2:headbang:
#8 The Warriors:headbang:
just to name a few, and for the mind, I played a game called "Lemmings":loco: :kickass: anybody played this game.

cheers :kickass: maiden1
Does anyone like the Tekken soundtracks? I don't own any of them, but I was thinking about buying one of them- the Tekken Tag one. I haven't even played Tekken Tag, but I heard what I think is the arcade version of King's stage. It's a simple song, but it has this amazing, uplifting synth part in there. Anyone else heard this? Any recommendations for which soundtracks within this series?