OT: Anyone else miss old video games?

hey speedkill, how come your making fun of rpgs and final fantasy. they are greatness and the final fantasy series goes way back to nintendo anyhow so it can be considered classic. And the spirits within is the gay movie that has nothing to do with the games. All this old console talk is great. you know i went to funcoland yesterday and genesis was $3.99!!!!! can you beleive that shit!!! the nintendo games they were selling were ranging from 50 cents to a dollar. man just to think that 10 years ago those systems were like $300 and the games were 50 bucks. we have come a long way.
Sega's Road Rash was a fun game to do when alone and in the 3rd update you could hit the cops off of their bikes. When friends were over nothing was better then alittle 4 way with EA Sports NHL. The "one timers" were excellent when your buddy passed the puck to you!

Enjoy the moment......
sad to say i never had video games as a young child. my parents, being the religious freaks they were, thought that such things as music, video games and tv were products of the devil. i never had a snes or sega.

and a really good example of how strict my parents were (and still are) is how i wasn't allowed to watch simpsons and i remeber in seventh grade when i wanted to buy pink floyd's dark side of the moon (the first cd i had gathered the balls to ask for) she said no. so i had to sneak a pink floyd cd into my house and watch simpsons when she wasn't looking. sorry, but this ties into my lack of video game playage.

the first game i played was doom, when i was in fourth grade. i loved it. a year later my parents got a computer and my uncle gave me doom when my parents wren't looking. i played that game for hours. of course i've played bomberman, double dragon, road rash, even the ninja turtle game (remeber that?) at friends houses. fun stuff.

and not all new games are bad. half life was awesome and ever played max payne? those are both solid games.

and don't worry, i broke down my parents, they no longer shatter my metal cds, because they can't keep up with how many i get anymore. :grin:
I used to love anything nintendo, and I even stuck with them through the N64 failure. When Gamecube came out I was utterly amazed that they stayed kiddy after all the damage it did to the N64, so now, despite it's less than workable architecture, I think Playstation 2 is the superior system, and Sony, the superior company.

Who knows. Microsoft may out do them, and Nintendo may finally grow up (not likely) and live up to the potential they have.
REmember Rock n' Roll Racing for Snes? I don't know why, but I LOVED that game!
For me it was all about RPG's, and the like.

I can only remember the first time I played Zelda III: Link to the Past and Super Metroid. Oh I cry just thinking about it!
IS that the one that actually had paranoid as part of the sound track?

Hehehe double dragons are great, so are contras and Ninja Gaidens but my favorite game in that style ( shorta ) has to be RiverCity Ramson and it even had few rpg elements there.

Hehehe and yea im currently using the great zsnes to play some games that never made it to america like thales of phantasia or star ocean or ff5 :grin:

That does not means that all pc games are crap. Most are but they are some trully inovative games that see the light on day on the pc, i mean everyone is going nuts over gta3 on the ps2 you should remember that gta started as a pc game that grew so much it jumped to playstation markets. And btw what are you talking about tomb raider like? sorry but most pc games today are 3d shooters wich granted, grow old quickly on single player, but they are very fun online. Im not a huge rts fan mainly cause i suck, but some amazing games are strategy offshots like hits like Black & White or lesser succesful games like Sacrifice or Giant Citizen Kabuto, and even knowing there are a handful of people here that likes them, crpgs and specially infinity engine games are great great fun :grin: Shure you have this amazing almost movie like ff and ff games on the consoles, but nonlinear adventuring and epic long games are amazing too, for someone fed up with 3d games you should give isometric games with hand draw maps a chance:p
"Im not a huge rts fan mainly cause i suck"

I do as well :lol:
I find it a lot easier to jump into a FPS server immediately, and start shooting people, and getting the hang of it from there. Rather than hunting down an RTS game(server), joining, waiting for it to start, then when it starts I have my harvesters just starting when the enemy comes in with 15 guys and I die. PC has a lot of good games, more good games than the console does in my opinion. I've been playing Ultima Online for almost three years, I play it daily and i'm still not bored of it, no console game has lasted so long for me.
I mostly make fun of RPG's because they confuse me, so basically it's based on my stupidity. :grin: There was one RPG I loved though, it was called Earthbound and was for the SNES (There was a similar shitty version for NES).

and yes, Earthworm Jim was the best video game ever created.
secret of mana...just thinking about that game brings a tear to my eye ;)
it was so beautiful, there was something amazing about that game.. that and FF3

but i agree, ever since '96 when Quake came out, consoles just stopped being able to compete with computers.
man, to this day i still play Quake all the time. No console game could ever have such amazing replay value :)

i suck at rts games too, but i still love playing them. starcraft and total annihilation are great (too bad i dont know many people that play TA anymore :( )
anyone remember a game for sega genesis called Herzog Zwei?
that game has to be one of the best games ever.

i think the new console games pretty much suck. I saw metal gear solid 2 a few days ago at a friends house... i was so unimpressed... sure the graphics were pretty good, but i guess i just can't understand the hype for that game.
i think the only hope console games have at this point (IMO, of course) are rpgs (i havent played FFX yet but i hear loads of good things about it) and games like GTA3. That game is a great example of what a non-rpg console game should be like. Driving around and blowing things up. There's a story, but you can gleefully ignore it if you need a quick fix of destruction :)
is there a PC version of GTA3 already out or coming out any time soon?... there had better be, it would be a damn shame if a sequel of a game which originated on the pc never made it back to the trusty pc :(
Yea, I started playing games when I was 5, which was like around 1990....I was a part of the SNES generation when I was in middle school/junior high... man there were some great games on that thing! I remember going to Blockbuster video every Saturday and renting out games... those were the days!
Some of my faves:
Super Mario Kart - fucking hilarious in 2 player mode...
StarFox - really far out for it's time, even though the graphics are turd by today's standards...
SimCity - like Opeth, addictive and totally intriguing...
Rock And Roll Racing - classic rock soundtrack, great design and play...
Earthbound - what a trip this game was... what Frank Zappa would have made if he could have created a video game...
Uniracers - a very technical racing game with unicycles... you could do some wicked stunts in this one!!
Lemmings - great, great puzzle game with suicidal lemmings... and it was even more fun nuking them all!
Super Bomberman IV - never ever will forget listening to Metallica while playing this game w/ friends.. 'Fight Fire With Fire' :lol:
Final Fantasy III - The best RPG ever... breathtaking
Chrono Trigger - The other best RPG ever... amazing soundtrack
7th Saga - very underrated RPG with a 'doom metal' atmosphere...
Ogre Battle - awesome war/rebellion simulation that made gamers jealous for years before it finally came out in the U.S.
Donky Kong Country - Amazing action game with graphics and feel that blew many minds...
Secret Of Mana - another great rpg/adventure game with amazing music, atmosphere and story... SquareSoft really know how to make 'em.
Killer Instinct - my favorite fighting game of all time, even though random pressings of the buttons unleashed some sick-ass combos...

Ah, the memories... :p
I have a Sega dreamcast that I bought last year and shortly after I found out that they discontiued the console. Why they did that, I dont know. I like it just fine. I hadnt bought a gaming console since the genesis and I found that games are much harder to play now. One of my favorites was Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver ever played it?
Isn't your own poop a weapon in Earthbound?? I dont know, that game is wild. I have never had the chance to play through it, and don't know if I want to. I have some friends at school that are obsessed with it, its quite sad. One of my friends actually made a Earthbound shirt, I couldn't stop laughing.

To Misanthrope:
They have a translation of Star Ocean for emulator?!?!?!?!?! I have never been able to find one, because until recently they hadn't made a translation for it. Would you mind telling me where you got the Rom?