Video - Laiho at age 17 playing a fusion/prog gig

It's crazy seeing such a different side of Alexi's playing...

and that must be the Ibanez he recorded Something Wild with.
Credit goes to Habsburg who posted it at first but it indeed deserves its own thread.
Love the vid.
Who are TOLK anyways???

Some sort of music project in Oulunkylä Pop/Jazz Conservatory. There is not that much info about it. I have seen someone mentioning in one Finnish message board that he has TOLK demo tape, but that's pretty much all I have heard :erk:
Cheers valkokukka,if you do get a hold of that demo tape be sure to share it:D

This was in the you-tube description:
5 min clip from a 30 min set by this rare band T.O.L.K., Live in Helsinki 5 April 1997.
Not much is known about this band.
From Last fm.:
"A taped live performance of Steve Vai's song "For the Love of God" (from the Passion and Warfare album) was especially influential in Alexi's decision to become a guitarist. He then began taking lessons at the Finnish Pop & Jazz Conservatory in order to study the instrument.
After taking part of an experimetal music band named T.O.L.K. with friends from the conservatory, Alexi founded in 1993 the death metal band Inearthed (which later became Children of Bodom) together with drummer Jaska Raatikainen and then-bassist Samuli Miettinen."
^ he quited normal school around 16, but iirc he went to that conservatory up to the point he was too busy with his bands (around 18 I think).
Yeah indeed. You have to go to school until you're 15/16 in Finland. When you are out of 9th grade you are finished with your compulsory education and are free to do what the hell you want :lol:
Yeah indeed. You have to go to school until you're 15/16 in Finland. When you are out of 9th grade you are finished with your compulsory education and are free to do what the hell you want :lol:

It used to be age 16 here in Holland, but since a couple of years it's 18. It pretty much sucks if you know what you want to do, but aren't able to because they make you go to school until you're 18:rolleyes:

Anyways, interesting video. I never really knew about that band, so it's cool to see something from it.

And thanks to valkokukka and Irenicus for the info :)
Yeah indeed. You have to go to school until you're 15/16 in Finland. When you are out of 9th grade you are finished with your compulsory education and are free to do what the hell you want :lol:

In the U.S. you can quit school after 9th but its really important that you graduate so you can get a decent job...then you can do what the hell you want.:lol:

Anyway what kind of RG is Alexi using in this video?
well, technically you can quit school anytime you want in the US...and probably any other country as well. But it IS mandatory to go to school here until you are 18, or until you graduate high school. And that is all free public education. Then it is highly recommended that you continue on with college/university so that you can earn a good amount when you have a job. With only a high school degree, your chances of getting a good job are very low.
:guh: riiiggghhtttt.... we all watched the same video didnt we :bah: i get the feelin blind devotion happens alot here cause it wasnt amazing the neo bodom stuff had more feel to it that was like fretbourd skat all the first minute