Villians named for next Batman film.

Actually, now that I think about it.. Tom Hardy as a Latino from the Caribbean? :/ Would it have been hard for them to cast an actual Hispanic actor? I don't even want to get into that argument, but..
Actually, now that I think about it.. Tom Hardy as a Latino from the Caribbean? :/ Would it have been hard for them to cast an actual Hispanic actor? I don't even want to get into that argument, but..

Well, this picture helps me buy him as Bane:


Considering that Bane wears a mask and accents can be adjusted, I can see it.

Hathaway is a bit of a harder sell, but not as hard of a sell of all the rumors of Megan Fox being Catwoman. As someone else said in another thread, Talia al' Ghul might have made for a better choice of character at this point.
Got that right. Anyone who doubts her ability to act should see "Rachel is Getting Married." She should've won an award for that one.

I don't doubt her acting ability. The problem is it is hard to envision her in this role when she hasn't played anyone remotely like this character. I mean, the closest she gets is "Get Smart". I too can see it. Other pictures of him, he looks a tad bit small but this may work after all.

I'm not worried about the look.. I'm worried about how he'll talk. The guy is English, and I dunno if he can pull off a Hispanic dude from a Caribbean prison. :/ I too can see it. Other pictures of him, he looks a tad bit small but this may work after all.

Seems like we haven't yet understood that these movies are supposed to be serious, less fantastic, etc. If you seriously think Nolan is going to construct a comically large Bane then you should prolly go and watch his first 2 Batman films again.

I'm not worried about the look.. I'm worried about how he'll talk. The guy is English, and I dunno if he can pull off a Hispanic dude from a Caribbean prison. :/

Yeah, I can't believe they actually had the nerve to cast a straight guy in Philadelphia! How the hell do they expect Tom Hanks to pull that off!?!

Seems like we haven't yet understood that these movies are supposed to be serious, less fantastic, etc. If you seriously think Nolan is going to construct a comically large Bane then you should prolly go and watch his first 2 Batman films again. I do get that. My question then is why choose Bane at all then? The other villains that have been in the previous Nolan Batmans aren't based off an exaggerated looking character.
Yeah, the Joker is super cereal in canonical Batman. He doesn't look like a silly clown and pie Batman in the face from time to time or anything.
Doesn't matter how serious they get; they're never going to top the scene in the animated series where joker shoved batman into a sealed trashcan looking thing, then says something to the effect of "DON'T FORGET THE AIR HOLES!" and starts using a long steel shank to jab holes in the can, then throwing it into the water.

That was fucked up.

Amazing. This always had me laughing my ass off back in the day. Mark Hamil killed it.
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They got us talking about it tho, don't they??

If they can do the Bane story justice, I'm so in... And I'm a big Anne Hathaway fan - I did see Rachel Getting Married, it was awesome.. She was amazing in Becoming Jane as well. I want to see Love and Other Drugs..

PS - Corsair - your avatar still disturbs the shit outta me, just so you know :p
Yeah, the Joker is super cereal in canonical Batman. He doesn't look like a silly clown and pie Batman in the face from time to time or anything.

I knew you were going to say something like that. The Joker is pretty damn easy to re-create though. Just put makeup on and yeah, there you go. With someone who's supposed to be really big, that's a bit more difficult to fudge.
I think you and the dorky duchess are looking into this far too much without seeing any photos/clips/previews/reviews/etc etc. Everyone bitched about the Joker for the Dark Knight and Heath Ledger's casting choice when it was announced (and I was one of those people), so we should all just be patient and chill out!