Dark Knight Rises- Catwoman and Bane cast

I really don't think Bane is going to be a huge muscular dude who wears a luchador mask and breaks batman's back , but I could be wrong. That version of the character would be really out of place in Nolan's universe. He might have the venom that gives him a lot of strength but I doubt he'll be CG transforming into a slightly smaller hulk.

Hope you are right.
Still have the horrible image of him from Batman & Robin stuck in my head :ill:

True, I kinda disliked how they developed and ended two face in the last one.
This is interesting.

Can't say I'll end up getting caught up in the hype for this one. Hype doesn't tend to ensnare me as much as when I was younger, but this can only be good. Inception blew me away based on the fact that it was just a damn, damn good movie, not based on pre-release hype. I loved The Dark Knight when I saw it in theatres, now when I watch it I get this feeling that it's mostly a distinctly average film with a few amazing scenes that all came down to Heath Ledger melting away with only The Joker remaining in his place. Hype colours expectations, so I will just ignore anything in the run up to this movie's release and then just go see it and judge it on its own merits.

But Bane and Catwoman strike me as interesting choices. Dunno what this superhero movie obsession with 2 villains per film is though. Weirds me out. Seems whenever it gets done, the movie spreads itself too thin and suffers for it.

Honestly I don't think Catwoman will be a villain , but rather a reluctant ally in this.
Hope you are right.
Still have the horrible image of him from Batman & Robin stuck in my head :ill:

True, I kinda disliked how they developed and ended two face in the last one.

I keep hearing Two-Face might not be dead... which I don't know how I would feel about. Aaron Eckhardt did a good job as Two-Face , but then it would be another situation like Gareth mentioned where there are too many villains.
Am I the only one who prefers the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton Batman movies?

Im a Tim burton fan, and i like them allot. But the last movie was one of the greatest action movies of the last decade, much thanks to Leadgers great performance.

Tim Burton was more a black comedy, The new era of movies are more dark and apocalyptic. I appreciate them both :)