Villians named for next Batman film.

Does anyone know if Catwoman is even going to be in the movie? All the press releases have made mention of Selina Kyle, not Catwoman...

Hmm. Interesting point. Its supposed to be Nolan's last, so it would be an interesting choice if he introduced the character, without delving into her transformation into Catwoman. Maybe taking on the Frank Miller approach. Perhaps the movie will be based on the Batman: Knightfall series, to some extent.
While I totally agree with you, the fact of the matter is that Batman's mythology revolves around the idea that it might be possible for a normal human being with no powers to defeat an entire pantheon of villains who can do supernatural things. So yeah, he's a normal guy, but the people he fights are not, and that alone makes him more than just a normal guy.

Right, but in Nolan's mythology, so far there's nothing all that supernatural going on, and it's all done with class. Nolan has completely revitalized the Batman universe and made it relevant again. It's no longer silly and retarded -- it's much closer to the vibe of the original 90's animated series, except even darker and grittier. If you don't like that, that's fine -- and it's your loss on missing out on one of the coolest interpretations of the series ever done, but don't say things like "he's catering to the masses" and expect people to not e-lynch you. Batman is one of the most iconic characters in all of Americana, if anything by making the movies more psychological, philosophical, and dark, he's doing the exact opposite of catering to the masses. In an era where we get all these prequels (Star Wars, Star Trek etc) and it becomes commonplace in Hollywood's own methodology to explore the origins of characters, Nolan introduces the Joker, a character without a past and even goes as far as to troll the people in the film and the audience about his origin in Dark Knight. There is NOTHING in that movie, catered to the masses. It's about as anti-Hollywood as you can get, which has been Nolan's MO since the beginning of his directing career.

Man, did I get it right when I said "let the lynching begin" or what? :D

I mean, you deserve it. You're so invested in comic canon that you simply ignore how movies work. How many more posts of you complaining that they should hire a latino dude as Bane do you need? I mean, remember in Dark Knight, when they casted a dude from AUSTRALIA to play the Joker? Remember that? Did you seriously think he'd be like "crikey, Bats, I'm gonna sic my pet dingos on you mate!" in the film? It's called "ACTING" for a reason. And if they decide to change Bane's ethno-cultural origins so that he's a Brit and not a latino dude, who cares as long as it's done with the same level of class and thought as Nolan's previous scriptwriting efforts?

Like I said, chill yo grill until we see substantial evidence of it sucking. :)
I mean, you deserve it. You're so invested in comic canon that you simply ignore how movies work.

And you're apparently really angry with me for not liking his movies, and I don't get why, but hey, that's your bag, dude!

I don't like the new Batman films. I've seen 'em, don't care for them. Is that really such a big deal? Pretty sure my complaints about Bane have been pretty small in comparison to how pissed you apparently are at me for not liking Nolan's Batman. Maybe you should chill a bit.

Seriously. The only thing I'm upset with is the constant mis-use of DC's greatest super hero.


Now where the fuck is my Booster Gold movie?! :tickled:
I'm not arguing! I just didn't enjoy the new Batman movies, and am stating why, because we're discussing movies. I'm not about to go burning down Nolan's house.

I'm saving that for Michael Bay.
Hmm. Interesting point. Its supposed to be Nolan's last, so it would be an interesting choice if he introduced the character, without delving into her transformation into Catwoman. Maybe taking on the Frank Miller approach. Perhaps the movie will be based on the Batman: Knightfall series, to some extent.

Taking a Frank Miller approach woud be killer. I think to some degree he's already done that with the series. I hated the older movies for their comically dark and just plain dumb humor. I've always thought that Nolan brought the series back to being darker while actually injecting more light (aka not every scene has to be at night) and realism.

If that's bad meh, I'll take it over Adam West, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Michael Keaton any day.
Pretty sure my complaints about Bane have been pretty small in comparison to how pissed you apparently are at me for not liking Nolan's Batman.

To be fair, you WERE pretty adamant about it... twice.

Frankly, I don't know how anyone who's a fan of comics in general could be off-put by Heath's portrayal of The Joker in Dark Knight. The character was everything The Joker SHOULD be and probably would have been if the comics didn't tone him down. Frankly, if I'd want anything to change about the series, I'd want Bruce Wayne to be quite a bit more brooding and miserable like his Batman counterpart.

I'd agree with AS on the point that this series takes the best of batman (The Animated Series) and makes it a grand R-rated Live Action roller coaster. It's believable and not balls-stupid.
I'd agree with AS on the point that this series takes the best of batman (The Animated Series) and makes it a grand R-rated Live Action roller coaster. It's believable and not balls-stupid.

Umm...R-rated? More adult for sure, but they're pg-13.

I think what Duchess and some others complain about in the Nolan movies are that it's too dark for them. I have a friend who also doesn't like them because he likes superhero movies to be more upbeat and light, so I think it's just a preferential thing.

For me, I always dig the darker, more realistic stuff.
To be fair, you WERE pretty adamant about it... twice.

Frankly, I don't know how anyone who's a fan of comics in general could be off-put by Heath's portrayal of The Joker in Dark Knight. The character was everything The Joker SHOULD be and probably would have been if the comics didn't tone him down. Frankly, if I'd want anything to change about the series, I'd want Bruce Wayne to be quite a bit more brooding and miserable like his Batman counterpart.

I'd agree with AS on the point that this series takes the best of batman (The Animated Series) and makes it a grand R-rated Live Action roller coaster. It's believable and not balls-stupid.

Yeah, I don't agree. Especially with the idea of Bruce being even MORE brooding.. if anything, he's a nicer guy as Bruce. Kinda like Tony Stark, but his womanizing isn't so public.

But that's okay, because DC caters to my love of their villains more in the animated films.
Umm...R-rated? More adult for sure, but they're pg-13.

I think what Duchess and some others complain about in the Nolan movies are that it's too dark for them. I have a friend who also doesn't like them because he likes superhero movies to be more upbeat and light, so I think it's just a preferential thing.

For me, I always dig the darker, more realistic stuff.

It's Batman, isn't it supposed to be dark? What I've enjoyed about the newer movies is that they are darker emotionally without just showing every scene in pitch black.
Batman wasn't always dark.

For example: Batman - The Brave And The Bold, which very much has a Silver Age feel.

To quote Bat-Mite from one of the episodes:

"Batman's rich history allows him to be interpreted in a multitude of ways. To be sure, this is a lighter incarnation, but it's certainly no less valid and true to the character's roots than the tortured avenger crying out for mommy and daddy."
For example: Batman - The Brave And The Bold, which very much has a Silver Age feel.

I'm a big Silver Age fan! But that doesn't mean I hate all of Nolan's Batman film. I actually really loved Two-Face. I thought his take on Two-Face was pretty spot-on, and being a gore-whore, his face effects were totally hot to me!

As for The Brave and The Bold...


Clearly, I am a fan!