
riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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interesting update on pantera from the mighty axeman dimebag,pretty much along the lines of rex and phil leaving vinnie and dime in the lerch,the good news is the badass brothers in metal have a new project new found powder amd they will have a record out soon.

i for one was always positive about another 4 or 5 pantera records,i am not so positive now.

i dont see a reason why i couldnt like this new project,as long as they have a decent vocalist,phil is the ultimate frontman but dimebag wrote 75 percent of the music an vinnie produces everything so i think they can survive,i am still hoping they resolve there differences but that takes time!!!

there was a rumour that ripper owens from priest had been approached to take the helm of pantera,now i couldnt complain about that either,that guy sure has a set of lungs on him

maybe we could see a anthrax/new found powder show someday lol

what everyones elses opinion on this???
Pantera are the undisputed kings of metal. Undisputed. They need to at least do a proper 'farewell' album before they call it a day. I really don't think we've heard the last from these guys. Phil is just doing some fucked up metal god trip, and Rex is the good lap dog. The Pantera boys are already millionaires, but I believe Phil will soon have a desire to go back out w/ the Pantera boys, if for no other reason than $$$$$$. Down plays to about 1,500 people a night. SJR, about 500. Pantera, averages about 5,000 with 10,000 people at the bigger shows, and the smallest shows being about 3,000. Phil can have a lot more dope money on the Pantera tour. I think they'll be back.
i was never really concerned about there sideprojects,everyone was cool,phil and rex did the down thing etc,but phil is the one that gotta come to the table,at least tell the guys look i am gonna be another 3 or 4 months then i am 110 percent behind doing another pantera record and world tour,the brothers deserves that much.
Whenever it comes to bands and side projects...communication is the key. Just gotta let people know what's going on.
DOWN kicks ass, more so than the latest Pantera albums, so I'm glad Phil and Rex have done this.