Vintersorg contest

i'm afraid of trying to wash them without anything....:Smug:

i've read about another theory, called COWASH (conditioner only wash), you have to wash your hair only with conditioner melted with sugar, i've heard a lot of people saying that it works..
i think i'll try!!!!

I tried to use only conditioner, but they got more dirty :zombie:
Donno, but maybe sugar helps that way
Tell us when you tested!
Strange huh since Jesus is always depicted with long hair:D those fucking christians... bastards!

Yeah! Hahaha! :lol:
In my first class I asked the school principal why I had to cut my hair if Jesus had a long hair too! He looked at me very seriously, and said that we can't know if he had long hair or not! It was very fun! :lol:

Hey Vampyrian! You are my second neighbour at! :kickass:
let's go on the jesus thing from a different angle
meaning the non christian one...cause those bastard(hope no one is offended) twisted a lot of things, killed too many people as hertics all agianst the teachings of jesus.

so let's take the jewish angle
jews are forbidden by the torrah to shave their beards and sideburns with a since there were no shaving machines 2000 years ago jewish people didn't shave
as for the hair...they were living where i live now and it's pretty hot here
so people did cut their hair but since there were no scissors at that time...they cut hair with one blade which was practically impossible if the hair is short.
Peter the apostle, being the first pope erased 95% of the rules that bound Judaism with Christianity and left only the 7 deadly sins.
at the time of christ the avg. hight of people was 120 cm...or almost 4 feet for those of you who don't use the metric system...

we are all(except maybe little people) taller than jesus
about the average height's a theory ( not mine off course ) and yeah it is pretty fucked up...but if you believe the world was created less than 6000 years ago might as well believe in all the other things that were proven wrong

it was the average height of humans according to archeological remains dating from about 3 million years ago(that's before homosapiens).

now about's been said by some articles that were approved by the vatican that jesus was much shorter than average and was fairly unattractive. then again the vatican has approved some pretty shabby it doesn't make it fact
those kind of things are topics for jewish jokes that take a piss on the catholic church

now about the thing i said with jesus's hair...that's just combining jewish religious law with some logic...could be wrong
so let's take the jewish angle
jews are forbidden by the torrah to shave their beards and sideburns with a since there were no shaving machines 2000 years ago jewish people didn't shave
as for the hair...they were living where i live now and it's pretty hot here
so people did cut their hair but since there were no scissors at that time...they cut hair with one blade which was practically impossible if the hair is short.
Ehm..scissors were invented in ancient Egypt like 1500 before christ. It's not very likely such an invention needed more than 1500 years(and a few, 'caus Jesus didn't have a beard since the day he was born) to reach Jesus' hometown. As for the shaving part..people have been using razors since the bronzeage and before that they had techniques to pull out the hair, so yeah, you could be wrong.
stone knifes of the stone age are as sharp-edged as a modern scalpel so it would have been easy to cut you hair with those things. and as walkyr already said, when jesus lived, there actually were scissors.

I read somewhere that the average roman man was 1,50m tall and the average germanic man about 1,65m. that sounds much more believable than 1,20!
crossblade scissors were invented by the romans at 100 AD...and have you ever tried to shave your beard with a rock and no shaving'd most likely shave off your skin
and besides at those times a long beard was a symbol of stature in the hebrew community
It doesn't matter what type of scissors they had or didn't have, scissors are scissors and they had scissors. Personally I don't think I will be able to shave my beard(probably because I have none) with a rock, but I'm sure stoneage people were more experienced with rocks.
You're right, Jesus wasn't around during the stone age, he is today tho.


Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson. The only Jesus worth mentioning.