Virginia shooting

This is endemic to America, though. Hardly any other country in the Western world resorts to mass-murder when a citizen is pissed off at society. It's becoming a uniquely American trait.

That it is, Derek..

In light of the shooting, many people are pushing for mass censorship of violent movies, video games, music, etc.

I'm not a fan of that shit, but how exactly will censoring everything help? I think it would give these angry peoples more reason to lash out...and possibly kill more people.

Ugh, It's the typical post-shooting syndrome.
That it is, Derek..

In light of the shooting, many people are pushing for mass censorship of violent movies, video games, music, etc.

I'm not a fan of that shit, but how exactly will censoring everything help? I think it would give these angry peoples more reason to lash out...and possibly kill more people.

Ugh, It's the typical post-shooting syndrome.

It's easier to blame the extrinsic rather than admit to an educational, moral and cultural rot. The American Empire is slowly tearing itself apart. You can source most of this back to the early 60s. "Beware of the military industrial complex", Whoops too late!
there are probably some idiots still saying it is because the constitution gives them the right to get a gun to protect themselves from invading brits :tickled: :erk:
Hey, we'll get round to sorting the problem of those pesky colonies sooner or later! It took the Romans a few hundred years to put the East on a leash, so we're gonna get there!

Yeah, if the student turns out to have been a fan of any type of hard rock or metal, everyone better get ready for the latest wave of televangelical bullshit. :rolleyes:

i hope he isn't cause that will just make normal people that listen to metal a very bad name, and as you said, russel, the evangelists and christians are gonna prepare a shitfest towards us. if he did listen to metal it wouldn't surprise me if he liked NSBM (/me prepares for flame...)

Derek pretty much covered everything, America has a gun problem, as in Europe rarely there are such killings, while here...oh man columbine for instance, shooting at the University of Washington in Seattle 2 weeks ago ended up with 2 dead. It happened across the hall frm where my mom was teaching her class. Also the following are just those that I remember from seattle local news: shooting in tacoma last year, shooting in elementary school earlier this year, shooting at some highschool in puyalup some time ago. Also the day care center shooting in New York City a while ago. So, like Derek said, I don't care either if gun enthusiats get their guns taken away and they abolish the right to bear arms, as it would probably save quite some lives already.
IMHO I would rather have 300 million people (the current population of the US, don't count the children, old, disabled and shit, but you get my point) have thier guns taken away and have them restricted if it was to save only ONE life. A lsingle life is FAAARR more important to me than your hobby. Yeah, I'm an idealist...(unfourtanately)
What's really sad is that I haven't heard of most of those incidents Paul just posted. Are outrageous shootings so commonplace here that some bullshit Don Imus said on the radio considered more newsworthy?

This country is beyond fucked up.
i hope he isn't cause that will just make normal people that listen to metal a very bad name, and as you said, russel, the evangelists and christians are gonna prepare a shitfest towards us. if he did listen to metal it wouldn't surprise me if he liked NSBM (/me prepares for flame...)

IMHO I would rather have 300 million people (the current population of the US, don't count the children, old, disabled and shit, but you get my point) have thier guns taken away and have them restricted if it was to save only ONE life.

1. As a "practicing" Christian, it's quite abnoxious to listen to my own fellows talk about metal. All you can do is one at a time change their minds. Recently, I convinced my best friend that not all metal is doom and gloom, "I hate Jesus" kinda stuff and to my mom that Leper Messiah and This Godless Endeavor aren't faith-bashing songs. While these events do cause an uproar in the evangelical society, it's nothing new to metalheads, and slowly but surely, we can pursuade them we're not all gonna a. commit suicide or b. commit genocide.

2. My friend, you are an idealist. If guns were banned, majority of the guns still remaining would be illegal ones in the hands of "bad" people or idiots. I'm under the thought that if a potential criminal knows I have the opportunity and likelihood of carrying a weapon, they're less likely to attack me. I believe getting rid of all guns will just escalate the problem of wrongful shootings.

*Goes back to watching Digging for the Truth.*
2. My friend, you are an idealist. If guns were banned, majority of the guns still remaining would be illegal ones in the hands of "bad" people or idiots. I'm under the thought that if a potential criminal knows I have the opportunity and likelihood of carrying a weapon, they're less likely to attack me. I believe getting rid of all guns will just escalate the problem of wrongful shootings.

*Goes back to watching Digging for the Truth.*
you make some great points Jace! However I think trash that shoots innocent is probably too stupid to get his gun on an underground weapon. I think the only people carrying guns then would be the gangsters, which is kinda fucked up, but getting guns off the streets and shops would diminish or make access to guns harder.

The problem with this thing is education. People need to learn to care about other's life (not the anti abortion kind of way), but the life of living, concious human being or animal. That is what education should be about to some extend, rather than creating mathematical geniuses and teaching kids that LSD and marijuana are devastating drugs that should not be touched (they started a campaign at school against drugs, i find it ironic they mostly talk about these 2 drugs, rather than meth, heroin, coke, and crack which are far more destructive...)
yeh, only criminals and the government would have guns. does that really sound like a good idea?

no, but the those who went shooting at columbine or here probably were not gangastaz at all. gangstaz kill other gangstas usually, not innocent students at a university, so they will kill each other mostly. Not the best solution, but even for gangsters it will be harder to get guns with guns ilegal.
it is better for governement and less gangstaz to have guns rather than government, all gangstas, racist cunts, retards, people with mental problems to have guns.
...even for gangsters it will be harder to get guns with guns illegal.... (spelling fixed)

Because we all know that banning something outright (*cough* war on drugs *cough*) that's in demand even though it is not the best thing for society (*cough* drugs *cough*) is not a tremendous and ineffective waste of money (*cough* fifteen trillion this year *cough*) that makes the product even more profitable and thus more desirable for illicit businesses (*cough* Prohibition and the mobs, you dumb fucks *cough*) to provide.

Fuck that. I heard 'OMGZ00R5, we should ban guns!' the minute I heard this shit, but... not one person kept in mind Virginia Tech's outright ban on guns (hard to control guns more than that, isn't it?) in the first place. Did that fucking stop the guy? What makes you think more would help?

<stupid mode: bleeding_heart_with_pillow_for_brain>

Durm, if the laws we have aren't working... we need more of them!


We already have enough trouble stopping real crimes, there are far more legal and proper owners of guns than there are nutjobs who have them. Germany instituted a policy effectively saying that to own a gun you have to prove that an army of flying monkeys was planning to attack and that you needed to defend yourself from them - but guess what? Gun murders increased by three for four from 92 to 95 - but people citing that were called NRA loving backwater hicks and the reality was ignored. England fucking hates those guns - want a shotgun? Better register and license it or we throw you in the slammer - but their assault and robbery rates stomp ours. Fuck, that's just two off the top of my head - if it worked, it would have worked by now, but it doesn't so let's address the real problem. There are fucked up people in this fucked up world and we need to stop avoiding that and act as they're the problem - not guns or Elvis or sex on TV.

you are insane

finally someone understands me:kickass:
Ontopic: Making them ilegal I understand is not the solution, as i stated earlier, education is part of the solution, and making guns more expensive, and harder to get, and limiting the amount sold would help. Prohibition didn't work so, you guys are right. When I made that post i was very angry aabout that shooting.
Education won't work - making people less crazy will. Does the proper use of a handgun (which already isn't that fucking complicated) make people more or less likely to go batshit insane and rain bullets on bystanders? No.

Making guns more expensive, harder to get, and limited will only help the black market grow - look at diazepam and ADD medications.

The problem isn't the guns, it's the crazy motherfuckers like that one. Let's not dance around the issue - people just don't fucking work sometimes.

heres the thing. Its not about guns, like you say.
If I really really really wanted, I could take my sharp ass knife and go into any store and easily kill 5+ people. It would be easy as fuck
but im not going to do that, because im not a crazy bastard.

Guns dont kill people, stupid people do.
Im so sick of people hating weapons... Its what built our fucking society, like the sword in ancient times, the gun built America. Grow up, its your fucking right to own a gun and protect yourself and your family.
But our country seems to have significantly more of those "crazy motherfuckers." It's a problem with our society, one that could only be helped by better education. Cause lets face it, our education system is fucked.

EDIT: yup I'm a slow typer, that was a response to JBroll
But our country seems to have significantly more of those "crazy motherfuckers." It's a problem with our society, one that could only be helped by better education. Cause lets face it, our education system is fucked.

EDIT: yup I'm a slow typer, that was a response to JBroll

NO NO it's all because of violent shooter type video games!!!!! That's the only possible reason!!