Virginia shooting

heres the thing. Its not about guns, like you say.
If I really really really wanted, I could take my sharp ass knife and go into any store and easily kill 5+ people. It would be easy as fuck
but im not going to do that, because im not a crazy bastard.

Guns dont kill people, stupid people do.
Im so sick of people hating weapons... Its what built our fucking society, like the sword in ancient times, the gun built America. Grow up, its your fucking right to own a gun and protect yourself and your family.

well, if, like you said, guns don't kill people, that stupids people do, how then can guns and swords build a society? They can do that by themselves? Damn.....

edit: Oh and I'll quote myself from a post I made earlier in this thread in response to your very last sentence:

AsMoDEe said:
there are probably some idiots still saying it is because the constitution gives them the right to get a gun to protect themselves from invading brits
in about 10 minutes or something like that i'm gonna go play counter strike:source and kill many people and maybe one board member from here. Tomorrow i'm also going to school. You connect the dots of what will happen tomorrow at my nathan jail high school.
later edit: as has been said there are a lot of crazy motherfuckers in the US, but why are in the US more motherfuckers like that than in europe or some other places????
what about all these motherfuckers?? did society twist them?
...I think the only people carrying guns then would be the gangsters, ...
The problem with this thing is education. ..., rather than creating mathematical geniuses and teaching kids that LSD and marijuana are devastating drugs that should not be touched...

K, so here's my thing -- once something has been made legal, and accepted as a basic, inalienable right, and an integral part of society, taking it away is about as effective as skiing down I-5 in rush hour. Forget the war on drugs -- who's read about prohibition?

And how about this -- when I was a kid, it was easier to get drugs than alcohol. This is simply because drugs were illegal no matter what, so whoever was selling them was already breaking the law, so what did it matter, whereas people who sold alcohol didn't necessarily go in for breaking the law, and it was harder to find someone who was willing, or someone's parents who couldn't keep track of their beer.

When you combine the two, what do you get? Well, you get guns that are easier to sell to fruit-loop-tossin'-loonies, and harder to sell to law-abiding citizens, that's what you get.

So what to do? I think you're on to something with your education slant. When I'm Supreme Empress of the Universe, I plan on introducing mandatory communications classes, interpersonal relations classes, diversity training classes, and why-people-who-hurt-animals-just-to-watch-them-in-pain-are-serial-killers-in-training classes, into our schools, beginning in kinderflippingarten. Then I'm going to legalize and tax drugs and put them in the state liquor stores (because I figure the IRS is more effective and more feared than the DEA), raise the legal smoking age to 21 and put cigarettes in the state liquor stores right next to the hash brownies. After that, I figure I'll have to get some Kevlar fashion wear to protect me from the moral minority, and hide out in a bunker with the hell hounds for the remaining 36 minutes of my reign.

There's no question we have a problem and this is pretty seriously fucked up. I think that the whole "ban guns" answer is just too simplistic, though. It's like trying to find a pill we can take to be more responsible; it's usually harder than that. It's more likely that as a nation we need to start taking responsibility for ourselves, our children, our pets, and our relative happiness or unhappiness. I just can't figure out how to legislate that without it getting shot down by people who LIKE being able to sue a major corporation for their own IQ deficiency.
in about 10 minutes or something like that i'm gonna go play counter strike:source and kill many people and maybe one board member from here. Tomorrow i'm also going to school. You connect the dots of what will happen tomorrow at my nathan jail high school.
later edit: as has been said there are a lot of crazy motherfuckers in the US, but why are in the US more motherfuckers like that than in europe or some other places????
what about all these motherfuckers?? did society twist them?

Careful with that, it wouldn't be above our government to send homeland security out for you when you say something like that. Now as to why our country has more crazy people, yes society twisted them. You and I are to blame, though not so much since we actually realize theres something wrong. Theres a lot going on in America that is very different than Europe, for example, our education system is... lacking, the media is.... I don't even know what to say about them, our leaders are more corrupt than normal (that's what happens when stupid people are the majority, so that goes back to education), corporations have too much power, etc, etc, I could go on and on about that. As Derek said previously we are slowly tearing ourselves apart, and really don't have much steam left unless some serious changes happen.

EDIT: And as nightshade noted above, we've got some problems with how we deal with drugs and stuff.
Can't we all just agree on the fact that this whole problem was caused by some nutjob who, instead of calling the WAAAAAAAAHMBULANCE, decided to shoot up Virginia Tech after his girlfriend broke up with him... and that it shouldn't be blamed on society or its laws and instead solely on the wacko himself?
Pfft. Can't people be held responsible for their own actions anymore?

Honestly, America doesn't have any more wackos then anywhere else. The American media just blows our wackos completely out of proportion, and it makes us look like insane war-mongers to the rest of the world.

Hell, why don't we get reports with crying women and children on TV every time some crazy African in Zimbababmazowi shoots up an entire village and rapes all their women?
while the conservative faggots on Fox News scream to ban violent video games?

That's of course a valid point (although you left out heavy metal, sex in movies, Elvis, waffles, the ACLU, and France) and this is almost as disgusting as the fact that murder happens so often - people would rather further their own agendas than actually find the problem.

Ketshy, I love education as much as anyone else, but going to a university and not seeing crazy fuckers is like going to a titty bar and not finding skin. You can't educate people to not be fucked in the head (oh, how they've tried on me, and for nothing), so there's got to be a better solution.

I don't blame video games or movies for violence, or sex, or what-have-you, but the way we actually view violence in America is certainly fucked - I think the connection is reversed from what the anti-entertainment fundies go off about. Frank Zappa once remarked that there were more love songs than anything else out there, and if people did what the music told them to then we'd all love each other, and I think he hit it dead on. Now, rather than assuming that violent entertainment makes people prone to violence, or as Zappa warned assuming that love songs made people love each other, let's go the opposite route - how about looking at the way people who are in love or like being in love listen to love songs, and the way more violent people enjoy violent entertainment, and analyzing it from there?

America is known for being one of the most anti-sex 'advanced' nations around, and our entertainment certainly reflects it - Grindhouse was originally NC-17, and to bump it down to R they removed not the violence or the language but the sex. The Dreamers, a film about an exchange student in France featuring nothing worse than a little language and a lovely body, got an NC-17 while the snuff film that was The Passion wound up with R. I guess that our mentality goes more along the lines of 'if we can't fuck that ass, we'll shove a rocket up it', and our entertainment succeeds or fails accordingly.

Any takers?

That's of course a valid point (although you left out heavy metal, sex in movies, Elvis, waffles, the ACLU, and France) and this is almost as disgusting as the fact that murder happens so often - people would rather further their own agendas than actually find the problem.

Ketshy, I love education as much as anyone else, but going to a university and not seeing crazy fuckers is like going to a titty bar and not finding skin. You can't educate people to not be fucked in the head (oh, how they've tried on me, and for nothing), so there's got to be a better solution.

I don't blame video games or movies for violence, or sex, or what-have-you, but the way we actually view violence in America is certainly fucked - I think the connection is reversed from what the anti-entertainment fundies go off about. Frank Zappa once remarked that there were more love songs than anything else out there, and if people did what the music told them to then we'd all love each other, and I think he hit it dead on. Now, rather than assuming that violent entertainment makes people prone to violence, or as Zappa warned assuming that love songs made people love each other, let's go the opposite route - how about looking at the way people who are in love or like being in love listen to love songs, and the way more violent people enjoy violent entertainment, and analyzing it from there?

America is known for being one of the most anti-sex 'advanced' nations around, and our entertainment certainly reflects it - Grindhouse was originally NC-17, and to bump it down to R they removed not the violence or the language but the sex. The Dreamers, a film about an exchange student in France featuring nothing worse than a little language and a lovely body, got an NC-17 while the snuff film that was The Passion wound up with R. I guess that our mentality goes more along the lines of 'if we can't fuck that ass, we'll shove a rocket up it', and our entertainment succeeds or fails accordingly.

Any takers?


Speaking of our politcally motivated forcefed hate for all things French...I would love to see Bill "O" choke on a huge load of 'freedom fries" live on Fox at 7!!!
Pfft. Can't people be held responsible for their own actions anymore?

Honestly, America doesn't have any more wackos then anywhere else. The American media just blows our wackos completely out of proportion, and it makes us look like insane war-mongers to the rest of the world.

Hell, why don't we get reports with crying women and children on TV every time some crazy African in Zimbababmazowi shoots up an entire village and rapes all their women?

Oh I'm not saying he shouldn't be help responsible, he's fully responsible. It's just that so are we. And yes, in fact we do have more wackos then say Europe, who I was comparing us too. Or even Canada for that matter. We don't get reports like that because we don't care about the rest of the world, because that makes us feel bad.

Now JBroll, most of what you say I think I agree with. But I do want to say that when I say our education system is bad and needs help and all that I'm referring to K-12, I don't pay attention to college because it's later in life and most people attending have already matured to what they will be and aren't going to be fucked for life because some crackpot teacher threw a chair at them in 9th grade. As a side note, there was some exaggeration in that last sentence, though I have seen a teacher throw a desk before.
Oh yeah, K-12 needs work too. First off, high school needs to either disappear or start being education - at this point (having just gotten out of it myself a year ago) it's a daycare with fucking. Second, we need to stop teaching to the lowest common denominator and send smarter kids off to harder classes. Third, we need to start smacking around uppity little bastards again.

I once threw a chair/desk myself, back in middle school - I was pissed at it for being a desk and a chair at the same time, and quite upset with the letter Q for reasons that won't be mentioned, and I don't think the victim is traumatized by it. I think it's more the ego bullshit that kids grow up with and the lack of anything in the American education system (i.e. education) that can make people want to use their head as anything more than a doorstop.
