Virginia shooting

Pfft. Can't people be held responsible for their own actions anymore?

Honestly, America doesn't have any more wackos then anywhere else. The American media just blows our wackos completely out of proportion, and it makes us look like insane war-mongers to the rest of the world.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but the US DOES have more stupid and crazy people than many other parts of the world THAT AREN'T THIRD WORLD NATIONS. It's a problem within our society. We believe that we are owed all this stuff just for being born, that we are somehow special and different from other people, and that comes out in our actions. The problem isn't all guns; it's handguns. You can have a gun almost anywhere in the's a handgun that's illegal. Why am I able to walk down the street in Rome in the middle of the night without even THINKING of having to be careful? The criminals and other people aren't afraid of the police, so that's not fact, the police are quite lenient here. On the other hand, why can't I walk across the tracks in New Orleans without being mugged/killed? People who say every place in the world is like the US and has the same problems obviously have never left the US. Maybe it's safer in the US than in Russia, but that's about the only other democratic nation in the world that's more dangerous than the US, besides Iraq. It's all because of our mentality.

Why is it such a big deal that Don Imus said nappy headed hos on the air? Why are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on a "crusade" for black people? Are they the emperors of the black community or something? Why do people file lawsuits against others when they simply offended them? Why do we waste tons and tons of money on frivolous lawsuits to appease the black/hispanic/italian/polish/white/whatever community? The way we live in the US is a much more selfish, backstabbing, and crybaby way of life than the rest of the world, and the only reason we still have handguns is because someone's afraid of losing money. No one ever said anything about abolishing shotguns, rifles, etc...just handguns. So the whole, "I don't have any more weapons" theory is out the door. The Second Amendment states "the right to bear arms". It says nowhere about any right to bear handguns. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you own a shotgun you still are exercising your right to bear arms, right? Guns aren't the problem. Handguns are the problem. It's not fucking rocket science.

If you can convince the millions of Americans to stop being complete fucking retards, then maybe handguns wouldn't be a problem anymore. But that's never going to happen, so what's the next best thing? Take away the handguns. Not the guns, just the handguns. At least it's a start.
I found it pretty disgusting how that Jack Thompson dude as soon as it happened went up on the news just to use this to blame videogames. Without any information whatsoever on the actual incident or shooter.

Sickening, really.
Of course the US is bigger than Italy...everyone knows that. But why is it safer to walk around in Rome/Berlin/Paris/Madrid/Oslo/Stockholm/Helsinki/The Hague than in New Orleans/L.A./New York? You know what? Let's not even compare those.

Let's compare Ruston, Louisiana to Pordenone, Italy. Two towns about the same size, same number of people...roughly 10-15k

The biggest problem we have here with crime are from the Albanians, Moroccans, and Romanians, and that's once every blue moon. Meanwhile, the refugees from Katrina are carjacking and raping people in the Ruston Wal-Mart parking lot, so often that it's to the point of people having to CARRY GUNS around with them for protection. My point isn't that guns are the sole and primary problem, this just isn't true. It's our culture and society in the US. Unless you live in the Camorra-infested neighborhood in Naples, you don't have this problem here. It just doesn't happen as often as it does in the US. This is a fact. People have more respect for human life and dignity, whereas our culture in the US is GIMME GIMME GIMME, I'LL TAKE WHAT I WANT AND I DON'T CARE WHO I HAVE TO KILL TO GET IT. Of course, I'm being facetious about the kill part, but that's not too far off.

If you can't change the people, you must change the system. That's the point I'm trying to make. The root of the problem in the US is the people...not you and I, but the social and cultural aspect of it. If there were a way to change that, you wouldn't need to abolish handguns because no one would have any use for them. It sounds like I'm speaking about life in a vacuum, I know it sounds idealistic, but it's true. However, you CAN'T change people...therefore, you must do the next best thing: change the laws.

Of course there are handguns all over the world, but do you know how difficult it is to get one here? You either need to be mafia or camorra, or have ties to these people or go to Romania or Albania and try to smuggle it across the border. But once you have it, it's hard to keep it hidden. You kinda stick out if you're the only one with a handgun, you know? If you just want to shoot handguns for pleasure, GO TO THE FUCKING RANGE! We've got shooting ranges here with all kinds of weapons, and you can shoot until you heart's content. You just can't shoot anyone else with a handgun. Is that SUCH A BAD THING?
I still stand by my decision that banning the tool used to commit crimes won't stop the crime. it's obvious your opinion is to the far left Dead Winter, and that it can't ba changed, so do us a favor and lets keep it off guns before a war starts again,and focus on solving the act instead of the method.
Frank, there will never be a ban, it would cause a full civil war ok? Too many people like guns. Just relax.
I don't have a gun, but agree with Krig. Just because people do wrong things with guns does not mean it should be hard or made harder for responsible people to get them. It has has nothing to do with guns it self or what is used as a weapon. People and how people treat people is responsible for psychological issues. If people can't get it together than expect the negative.

People are in a school since a child until a young adult so it stems from there imo.
Will, just because I am not American, nor live there hardly makes me completely wrong in passing comment on domestic policies.

Also, it's a myriad of things that lead to this. You can't blame it on any one thing. This sort of thing is endemic to America though, no other similar Western country experiences it like this. What you choose to blame for this betrays your bias.

Also, it's almost impossible to find resolutions to these problems because as soon as they arise, every cunt goes fucking native and polarises themselves somewhere. Such is the nature of those United States.
No offense, but a lot of Europeans did the same, especially on other boards I visit. Its not limited to the US.
Don't preface things with no offence, even if you did mean to offend I wouldn't get upset.

No, I'm not saying rampaging murder is intrinsically American, I'm just saying this type of event has a uniquely American feel to it, it happens almost nowhere in the Western world like it happens in the U.S. I briefly considered the size of the US as the major factor in this, but then dismissed it.
1. Religious appeal. "Everyone here believes in Jesus and if you don't you should die or leave etc."
2. Competition in schools and jobs
3. Push from families
4. Lack of social support, as appears to have been a part of his case
id fucking love to see someone try to take my guns away from me.

gun control isnt the answer, you think just because you take buying guns away from the general public doesnt make it any harder for someone to buy a gun. There is still a black market where you can get whatever the fuck you want. There are millions of "good citizens" out there that own guns. Gun control says "welp, you never do anything wrong, but sorry, you cant buy guns no more because someone who probably aquired a gun illegally, shot and killed some people"

Take away guns, there will just be more stabbings. if someone wants to kill someone, they are going to do it, with or without guns.