
I already hate Vista and it's not finish installing yet. "Please wait while windows prepares to start for the first time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." and just keeps going . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and going . . . . . . . . .

Dam it takes forever to install vista.
have you checked nod32? I heard it's very resouce friendly

Ive tried all of the big names out there(And allot of the small ones.).
I used to get them for free since my dad used to work with that stuff, and i have to say that F-Secure has been the best of them.
Its pretty resource friendly, it uses a bit more then some of them, but its much safer and doesn't really have to lock up your computer as much as Norton or Panda to keep it safe.
Thats why you install the SP version from the beginning.
And you know that you dont need all the updates? Not even half of them are fixes.
I don't know man. I just hit the updates button. Girl wanted to keep Vista and only copy I have is the disk she supplied. Never used Vista before. I really don't want to now. pullyourhairoutsmily.gif

I've never seen a comp that had to restart so many times in my life.
I don't know man. I just hit the updates button. Girl wanted to keep Vista and only copy I have is the disk she supplied. Never used Vista before. I really don't want to now. pullyourhairoutsmily.gif

I've never seen a comp that had to restart so many times in my life.

When i installed Vista, i just threw in the service pack and downloaded like 10 updates, that was like 2 reboots, and the drivers is of course another reboot.
3 reboots isnt that bad, to me that is.

But i do know that allot of people just hit the update button, and then you are in for a treat!
Hundreds of useless functions gets installed, functions that let Microsoft know what kind of software you use(that uses allot of resources.) and other updates that actually makes securityholes instead of covering them up! ;)

.. Damn, i have to agree with you Mac/NIX-people... Windows is a bitch.
Too bad i like gaming to much. ;(
Thats horrible. :mad: I'm sure glad this thing isn't mine. :goggly:

:erk: Wish I would have asked before I updated. :lol: Ah well, live and learn. To late now. I'm done with this crap, so back to the owner it goes.

Thanks again. :kickass:
The 1st Vista update was over 400mb's. Didn't bother counting the other 47. it's not the size that bugs me considering I DL at about 2 megs a sec.