

Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
My maid has a laptop with vista in it. :rolleyes: Thing is a total piece of shit right now. Gotta wait forever for it to just start up. When you finally get past that, it's a struggle just navigating. :puke:

So I'm going to attempt to "fix" it.

1st, What anti virus to use?
2nd, should I just put XP in it? :lol: :puke:

She is a totally awesome maid, very trust worthy. Even trust her with my alarm system code. So I thought "Cool chick deserves a decent interweb comp"

Lay it on me. :kickass:
AVG is a decent free anti virus, some people like AntiVir, both will work.

Putting XP on the laptop is certainly a good option, it will run faster on most machines, especially if it's a lower grade laptop. BUT, one thing... check and see if the manufacturer has XP drivers available before you install, otherwise video, sound, ethernet etc won't work. Some notebooks that came out after vista was released do not have XP drivers available. That's a real headache. Just check the manufacturer site though, it's easy enough.

Yep, that is all, good luck!
Not that pretty, sorry to say. Definitely cool tho. I left about 350k on my living room table and she neatly put it by my safe. Not a dollar missing.

@sphykik thanks for the info.
I was counting it and had to run out of the house on important business. The money was for a couple of new limos to add to my business. They come cheaper when using cash.
so what has been buyed? if vista buisness was buyed you have the opportunity to install xp instead, totally legal.
and don't get me wrong antivir and avg are good, but they are for free - just not as good as an real virusprotection
1.) F-Secure, after trying out allot of software out there, i find it the least resource draining in comparison to how safe it is.
2.) Vista is really good if the computer can handle it, it seems to work really well on some computers, and horribly on others. So the safe choice would be XP.
Fuck if you have 350k laying around buy her a new machine tight ass lol and speaking of tight ass's does she have one? and yes pics:kickass: