Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness Elite 8

General Zod said:
Bracket #1
Ulver vs. Metallica

Bracket #2
Black Sabbath vs. Destroyer 666

Bracket #3
Immortal vs. Kreator - don't give a shit

Bracket #4
Iron Maiden vs. Primordial


Bracket #1

Bracket #2
Black Sabbath

Bracket #3

Bracket #4
Iron Maiden
Bracket #1

Bracket #2
Destroyer 666

Bracket #3

Bracket #4
Iron Maiden vs. Primordial

Thought about it for five minutes, still didn't have an answer and opted for wussing out.

Whose next CD do I want to hear more? Primordial, not even close.
Whose last three CDs were stronger? Primordial, not even close.
Who has the stronger catalog? Maiden.
Who is the more important band? Maiden, not even close.
Whose better live? Fuck if I know. Both are godly.


I voted for Ulver but I'll be happy either way that one goes. Both groups produced some pretty timeless albums.

Also in case I've never mentioned it before I'd like to say that Primordial are pretty damn boring.