
I'm not american, so enlighten me... whats the vote on? Senate?
Vote Libertarian. The only party that will let you live your life the way you want, will stop spending your money like it was theirs for the taking, and will give everyone in America the rights they are guaranteed under the Constitution.

The 2 major parties have proven themselves completely incapable of abiding by the Constitution and treating us like responsible adults. Stop supporting these corrupt politicians and make a statement that you're fed up with their bullshit! Check it out. You might just find a home there.
Vote Libertarian. The only party that will let you live your life the way you want, will stop spending your money like it was theirs for the taking, and will give everyone in America the rights they are guaranteed under the Constitution. Check it out. You might just find a home there.

Libertarians are creepy. I went to a meeting of my local Libertarian party, it was all gun-nuts.
Libertarians are creepy. I went to a meeting of my local Libertarian party, it was all gun-nuts.

You don't think Republicans are creepy? I've never seem a bigger bunch of racists and gun nuts in my life. But I'm speaking purely from a standpoint of where I'm located, which is western PA, a very rednecky Republican area with lots of hunters. I know it's not like that everywhere, so don't assume that all Libertarians are creepy just from one local group.

And most of the Libertarians I've met aren't creepy at all. They just want this to be a free country run by competent people who understand that the government isn't there to hold our hands through everything we do.
If I could I would, cause theres this prop. 3 out here in utah for a massive public transit raise in counties everywhere but mine, but it still wants to raise sales tax and the amount of state tax taken out of my checks... by a shit load.

So fuck that.

If it gets voted in I'm gonna kill the governer.
yeah, in Missouri we have a couple of big issues for a lot of people.

ammendment 2 is for the legalizing of stem cell research here and ammendment 3 is a 400% tax increase on tobacco products.

already did my part in the democratic process and voted for the good of all
How many times do I have to tell you... the easiest solution is to MOVE THE HELL OUT OF THE STATES.
Well, like all people with an under-used and available for renovation loft, I'm sure America will convert Canada into something useful soon.

OMG! :p