Vrigin Black

Elegant and Dying is a very good album, though I haven't been listening to it too often because it is a demanding listen and requires patience...but the ambition here is staggering and the orchestral accompaniments are often beautiful.
I shoulda asked Sammy to sign a copy when I got her to send it up to me before it's release in Oz...... :(

I'm such a silly duffa. :cry:

EaD 0wnz. 'nuff said. :D
I think you shuld spell it right... hehehe..

Anyway.. i'm looking forward to get their second album... i'm still a "Virgin Black" virgin... HA! soo funny
hibernal_dream said:
When are they touring. Funny that I live in Oz and haven't ever heard of a tour from them.

I saw em play on Saturday, and they rocked. Oh and I taped it too, watch out on the dc hub :cool:.

Whispers of dead sisters and velvet tongue are some great examples of their work.
Sombre Romantic was an excellent album. I was disappointed by EaD because it's slow, tedious and boring (just like much classical music), and because someone said the singer was taking singing lessons but doesn't sound better in my ears.
I think you shuld spell it right... hehehe..

Anyway.. i'm looking forward to get their second album... i'm still a "Virgin Black" virgin... HA! soo funny

You think I 'shuld' what? :err:
Virgin Black is one of my favorite bands! I have EaD, Sombre Romantic, Trance, and a compilation from '96 that has 3 songs on it from an early demo. Great band!!!
