W3 is giving me chills!!!

being in a band who is also recording a CD now.. i dont care how long it takes. you can't rush an artist. preordering helps a fuckload with studio/pressing costs.

so WoY take your time dudes I cant fuckin wait to hear it. the northern cold is holding me over fine for now

I recommend that no one looses their patience waiting for this album to finally come out. Even if you do, it won't at all help our process (which has obviously been cursed).

"Man plans, God laughs."

Thanks so much for pre-ordering though... We WILL deliver very soon!
"Good things come to those who wait"

The longer this takes to finish, the more anxious we'll be, and the more appreciative we'll be.

With that being said, I still can't wait for the CD to be out. I pre-ordered in January I think.
With a new job(tons of hours) and lots of family and house projects going on, I've kind of let this album slip off my radar. I assumed there was some delay, finally decided to check it out. I'm glad I didn't miss the release, and can certainly understand the frustration of the fans...which likely pales in comparison to that of the band. So carry on guys, looking so forward to this!

Well, it's been 4 months now since i pre-ordered....i'm slightly loosing my patience.......:err: Am i the only one around here whit this problem or not?

I pre-ordered in December but I'm not sweating it. The band will release the cd when they're ready and I don't mind waiting just like I did with Woods II, which was well worth the wait :kickass:
I have nothing against clean or raw production, it was just an honest question. But you can't deny that raw production has fabricated and expanded on musical landscapes found in many albums. Early Darkthrone for example, even early Ulver, the raw producton just adds elements to the album. The production is not 'clean', but it is far from being brunt.
Early Ulver as in Nattens Madrigal is just plain shite. The album has some great bits on it, but they could have cleaned it up so much more, it's a shame. I don't mind dirty guitar sounds and filthy drums, but that album had sloppiness in it I think. Just to go off on the early Ulver tangent hahah.. BERGTATT!
Should we turn this thread into an Agalloch discussion thread to pass the pre-Woods time?

What's your favourite album? What's your favourite song? What's your least favourite album/song?

Favourite album:
Ashes Against The Grain / From Which Of This Oak

Favourite song(s!)
Not Unlike The Waves
The Wilderness
This Old Cabin
As Embers Dress The Sky (Pale Folklore version)
I Am The Wooden Doors
Kneel to the Cross
Tomorrow Will Never Come

Least favourite album
The Mantle (eeeeeeep I'll get killed! I still love it though)

Least favourite song
The Lodge Dismantled

Favourite line (Yeah I'm getting bored)
The only album I've heard is The Mantle, and the few Ashes Against The Grain tracks on their Myspace. I think my favourite song is Odal, I'm not sure what my least favourite is, maybe Limbs.
my favourite album is The Mantle for sure. followed by Pale Folklore and then Ashes Against the Grain. I dont think of a band like Agalloch in terms of songs but more as whole albums, so I cant name a favourite song. and I have no least favs with Agalloch.

I want them back in Toronto!