Wacken 2007

Me too, they sure as hell did. They had the routine and comfort of a band that's played for 25 years but also the fucking kickass sheer joy of kicking our asses that's mostly only found in bands on their first few tours at best.
Fucking great few days.

We arrived at Wacken on Wednesday all feeling a bit fragile after getting absolutely wrecked the night before in Lubeck (where we ended up staying, instead of Hamburg). Didn't do much once we got there, although we did venture over to the tent to see Mambo Kurt, who was pretty entertaining, although it did get old pretty quick.

Did see a few bands on Thursday but I was absolutely wasted pretty much all day, so don't remember a great deal. Also got ridiculously lost, and stuck in the mud at one point, trying to find my tent. Ended up being a bit of a waste of a day and I regret getting as drunk as I did.

Friday and Saturday, however, were both fantastic. Highlights of Friday for me were Sabbat and Iced Earth, both of whom were excellent. Also really enjoyed Dimmu Borgir, who despite all the criticism they get, do still put on a great show, even if they can no longer write interesting albums.

Started out Saturday with Disillusion. Their set was probably 1/3 Times of Splendor (played 3 tracks, although 2 were shortened versions) 2/3 Gloria. IMO the BTTOS stuff doesn't work as well live, although it was still good to see them. The two best performances of the day for me were Turisas, who were just really fucking fun, and Moonsorrow. The Moonsorrow/Immortal clash had been a dilemma for me, and unfortunately Moonsorrow came on late, so I only managed to catch the last two Immortal tracks :erk:. I don't regret choosing Moonsorrow though as they put on a great show.

After the festival I was exhausted (still am) so really wanted to go home, but we had booked a couple of nights in Hamburg as our flight wasn't til Tuesday. Hamburg is ok, a few nice metal pubs. However, it's a totally sleazy city and I have never seen so many sex shops/strip clubs/prostitutes in my life!
I was finally able to fulfill my dream of being able to see them perform live - and on the grandest stage of them all. I fought like hell to feel well enough to see it and wasn't disappointed in the slightest.

Did you see the pause in the middle of the song followed by Abbath spitting and going back into the main riff? Fucking excellent.
Did you see the pause in the middle of the song followed by Abbath spitting and going back into the main riff? Fucking excellent.

Yeah. It's like when Metallica used to play "Harvester of Sorrow" and then pause half way through, only to restart again at "all have said their prayers...". Same riff style too.
great video :kickass: ... never realized however how much Abbath takes from Gene Simmons live ... stage movements, etc.
"Helldistortion", lol.

One of my many regrets is that we didn't have a chance to meet up. Maybe someday. :kickass:

There will be more festivals, but chances are that I for one will aim for a festival that goes for quality over quantity next year (We'll catch maiden on a regular gig) if the Wacken lineup isn't exceptional... It's a bit too big for my taste, I'm afraid, the shit/great ratio isn't all that good unfortunately, but this year had more than enough killer bands I must say. It's just that if I hear shorthairs yelling SPIDERSCHWEIN!! again I might kill someone, that joke used to be funny.