wacken roll call..

affinityband said:
I havent thought about wacken really... Not too excited to be fair. I wish all my best friends could come but they are goin somewhere else. Im a bit gutted to be honest.

lol, i give up.
MadTinus said:
IT WAS FUKKIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *g*

I had a gorgeous "Get to know yer Kata-Family"-experience as I met Cis !!! and some very lovely guys with whom I already had an unforgettable party both in Cologne & Essen @ "the first row" ... so you see... even Wacken without Katatonia is ... eeh... still... Wacken with Katatonia *confused* ... they're just everywhere ;) ... ... [just wonder how Summer Breeze will be like then *hrhr*]

The weather was a blast! Some sunshine... [without being boiled to death...] lots of darkness, a soft touch of rain, twinkling stars, a soothing breeze... ehr... whatever! Just loved it!

Yah music... oh actually... there WAS music? (; ... well yeah ... always depending on one's own taste... I loved what I saw & heard... [just a pity for good ol' Emperor having such a fucked up sound... it nearly made me cry... or kill whoever was responsible for the mixing (?)] ... ... well ... I would have loved to see Celtic Frost... but "UNFORTUNATELY" some strange Akerfeldt-guy and Ihsahn were standing in front of us and making it really hard to get a view at the stage *HAHA*
So you see... I ... we ... whoever ... had a killer time ;D

... ... and way too much beer
Wow, nice! I really hope I can make it for Summer Breeze! I want a big party with Katatonia fans and hope to get to know Bloody Swan too!
Arghh I need a festival and soon!
ether said:
...and hope to get to know Bloody Swan too!
Haha, you'd better not! Believe me... I'm really weird *hrhr* (;
But yeah... come down to Summer Breeze and join the party [well, SB is always one big party, at least for me]... ... we already discussed at Wacken when and where we're gonna meet [okay, that's not really a hard guess... ye know *g*].
A festival and soon? ... The breeze is already blowing next week! So get your stuff packed and come over (;

@_Transparent_: A sofa???!!! I hate you! :erk: ...