Want an Evertune guitar, can't decide - LTD MH-1000 or EC-1000?

I have the Solar ET, and it still goes a bit sharp on the low B cuz I pick hard, so I detune about -5 or so cents on just the B, until my chords sound perfect. With the ET it holds it there forever so my guitar always sounds great when I pick it up.

Yes, there's very little movement only on the low B. I image it would be even less with a longer scale length. I always make sure to tune the string to the attack of the note with about medium picking strength which works out really well for me.

This reminds me, does anyone know when the Washburn Solars become available in Europe?

They should be available now. You need to check with your nearest Washburn dealer on availability.
I have the MH-1000 with an Evertune - works great in Drop C tuning.

I was confused for awhile as well about lower tunings and different string gauges (had a 9 - 49 set of strings on mine which was the most tension it could handle according to the FAQ) until i saw a post from the Evertune Facebook page asking what was the lowest tuning people put their Evertunes in. Seemed alot of people were dropping the hell out of them and putting huge gauges on so I said screw it and put on 11 - 54 gauge set. Still works great.