I think it would be hard to forget 9/11. Regardless what side of the war you are on or what side of the world you live on, the scenes of that Hell seems to etch itself in our memories. I've become emotionally numb over the past year and a half, so unfortunatly death has little or no affect on me anymore.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
Um, we are at war. We've been at war since 9/11/01. We are fighting people who want to use weapons of mass destruction on us. We are at war with the Hitler of 2003. We are at war with an enemy that is hiding.
Hopefully, a terrorist will kill one of your family members due to tree huggers like yourself sympathizing with them. Then you'll understand. Until then just make like a sheep and go..Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

hahhaha, I'm sure you didn't even know before 9/11/01 where Afghanistan is, huh?
I hate Saddam, I hate Bush and other fuckin politicians and war is no solution dude! if it is, the world would be better place now but it ain't..
people always fight but it doesn't take us forward.
history's written by blood
hate breeds hate
anger breeds anger
war breeds war

do you know how many children died cause of U.S.'s embargos?
ohhh, Bush family said "we're punishing Saddam" but who died? Saddam still lives on but many innocent people died!
those who died at 9/11/01 didn't deserve to die, just like innocent Iraq people..

I'm not even talkin about what the hell happened in Africa or South America..
most people in the world hate U.S. for years, don't you wonder why?

anyway, I don't like these revenge shits (9/11/01 event was a revenge too, just like you want, your thoughts ain't different from damn terrorists) and I find your opinions too primitive :yuk: