Active Member
- Mar 16, 2009
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I've refined my lyrics transcription into this:
War, the ****less war of our world
When the treacherous witch is killed
The three times burned, the three times born
(straight from verse 21 of Völuspaöluspá)
By fear it claims, was Gullveig torn
Death, Oden *** the spear with great force
Deep into the great ....
Battle horns gave off their sound and Asgaard was razed to the ground
The Vanir could foresee
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule
In a fit of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head
Truce, so a brittle and frail *** it was forged
Njordr and Freyr to Asgaard came
and Hänir went to Vanaheim
Death, see the furious ... washed in blood
and Oden knew that the way to war
would not give them any gain, but leave a black and bitter stain
Oden tog huvudet och smorde det med örter
Som hindrade det från att ruttna
Han kvad sina trollsånger över det så att Mimer åter kunde tala till honom
The Vanir could foresee
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule
In a fit of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head
Going to try to decipher the lyrics myself and try to fill your spots:
War, the mirthless war of our world
When the treacherous witch is killed
Three times burned, the three times born
By fear it claims, was Gullveig torn
Death, Oden held his spear up with great force
Deep into the great Garna...(name of some mythical thing or something I think, but it also sounds a little like ''God of fear'' although that makes less sense)
Battle horns gave off their sound and Asgaard was razed to the ground
The Vanir failed to see
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule
In a field of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head
Truce, so a brittle and frail peace was forged
Into a shattered piece to make
Njordr and Freyr to Asgaard came
and Hänir went(wtf at this word, he's not pronouncing went, it sounds like ''me'' or ''meet'', although it makes no grammatical sense :S) to Vanaheim
Death, see the furious gods washed in blood
and Oden knew that the way to war
would not give them any gain, just leave a black and bitter stain
Oden tog huvudet och smorde det med örter
Som hindrade det från att ruttna
Han kvad sina trollsånger över det så att Mimer åter kunde tala till honom
The Vanir failed to see
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule
In a field of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head
I think that's not too far away from accurate actually..listened to everything at 25%/50%/75% speed and I could not hear the words differently than I posted.
If anyone disagrees with anything just post what you think is correct instead, would be cool if we could get the lyrics 100% correct before reading them when the album comes out