War of the gods link

I've refined my lyrics transcription into this:

War, the ****less war of our world
When the treacherous witch is killed
The three times burned, the three times born
(straight from verse 21 of Völuspa http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Poetic_Edda/Völuspá)
By fear it claims, was Gullveig torn

Death, Oden *** the spear with great force
Deep into the great ....
Battle horns gave off their sound and Asgaard was razed to the ground

The Vanir could foresee
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule

In a fit of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head

Truce, so a brittle and frail *** it was forged
Njordr and Freyr to Asgaard came
and Hänir went to Vanaheim

Death, see the furious ... washed in blood
and Oden knew that the way to war
would not give them any gain, but leave a black and bitter stain

Oden tog huvudet och smorde det med örter
Som hindrade det från att ruttna
Han kvad sina trollsånger över det så att Mimer åter kunde tala till honom

The Vanir could foresee
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule

In a fit of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head

Going to try to decipher the lyrics myself and try to fill your spots:

War, the mirthless war of our world
When the treacherous witch is killed
Three times burned, the three times born
By fear it claims, was Gullveig torn

Death, Oden held his spear up with great force
Deep into the great Garna...(name of some mythical thing or something I think, but it also sounds a little like ''God of fear'' although that makes less sense)
Battle horns gave off their sound and Asgaard was razed to the ground

The Vanir failed to see
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule

In a field of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head

Truce, so a brittle and frail peace was forged
Into a shattered piece to make
Njordr and Freyr to Asgaard came
and Hänir went(wtf at this word, he's not pronouncing went, it sounds like ''me'' or ''meet'', although it makes no grammatical sense :S) to Vanaheim

Death, see the furious gods washed in blood
and Oden knew that the way to war
would not give them any gain, just leave a black and bitter stain

Oden tog huvudet och smorde det med örter
Som hindrade det från att ruttna
Han kvad sina trollsånger över det så att Mimer åter kunde tala till honom

The Vanir failed to see
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule

In a field of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head

I think that's not too far away from accurate actually..listened to everything at 25%/50%/75% speed and I could not hear the words differently than I posted.
If anyone disagrees with anything just post what you think is correct instead, would be cool if we could get the lyrics 100% correct before reading them when the album comes out :P
Yeah I checked as well, the only place where you seem to be able to buy that boxset is http://www.emp.de/bin/shop.php?prog...&product=Amon Amarth: Surtur rising&tc=SEARCH but this site is ONLY for germans, you can't order if you're not german.
Gonna check if you can order from Sweden Rock shop (the place I bought my boxset with the flag) outside from Sweden.

EDIT: Doesn't seem to be doable..which means you only seem to be able to pre-order the flag boxset if you are from either Sweden or Germany. That sucks for North Americans..I think the difference is in North America boxsets, you get the T-shirt instead of the Flag.
I hope what I wrote made somewhat sense, if not please ask again and I'll try to clarify.

That makes complete sense, and it's the conclusion I came to as well.
It kind of sucks, because I've got a million band shirts and I'd like some flags to decorate my walls.
The Vanir from the sea
Hänir was a fool
Without Mimer at his side, Hänir could not rule

In a spit of violent rage, Mimers blood was shed
And to Odens court they sent, Mimers severed head

I think it's "The Vanir failed to see" and here's why from Wikipedia:

Wikipedia said:
Snorri continues that, upon arrival in Vanaland, Hœnir was immediately made chief and Mímir often gave him good counsel. However, when Hœnir was at meetings and at the Thing without Mímir by his side, he would always answer the same way: "Let others decide." Subsequently, the Vanaland folk suspected they had been cheated in the exchange by the Asaland folk, so they seized Mímir and beheaded him and sent the head to Asaland. Óðinn took the head of Mímir, embalmed it with herbs so that it would not rot, and spoke charms over it, which gave it the power to speak to him and reveal to him secrets.

Vanaland is "home of the Vanir." So basically the Vanir failed to see that Hœnir was not actually a fake but instead just a fool and without Mímir at his side Hœnir could not rule. :)

Also, I'm pretty sure it's "fit of rage" not "spit of rage" as I've only ever heard the phrase fit of rage used "Having a fit" etc.
I think it's "The Vanir failed to see" and here's why from Wikipedia:

Vanaland is "home of the Vanir." So basically the Vanir failed to see that Hœnir was not actually a fake but instead just a fool and without Mímir at his side Hœnir could not rule. :)

Also, I'm pretty sure it's "fit of rage" not "spit of rage" as I've only ever heard the phrase fit of rage used "Having a fit" etc.
You are correct on The Vanir failed to see, my bad :P
Though the spit of rage..I listened to that one a lot, and he does not pronounce an F at all..at least I can't hear it, but I do agree it makes more sense..I'll change it as well :P
Is there any other place in Europe beside EMP where i can pre-order CD/DVD for actual CD/DVD price?
Caved in and bought the picture disc vinyl and cd/dvd bundle. Can't justify paying the extra money for 2 songs, and a tiny figure for now. I'll probably change my mind later since I enjoy having all of the songs on one disc.
Wow, after calculating the shipping costs, I won't be ordering any of the pre-order bundles.
I don't have enough spare money to get raped that badly on shipping costs. My shipping options are everywhere from $14 to $68.
War, the mirthless war of our world
when the treacherous wench is killed
three times burned, the three times born
by fear it claims was Gullveig torn

Death, Odin held his spear up with great force
deep into the great god of fear
battle horns gave off their sound
and Asgard was razed to the ground

The Vanir failed to see Hænir was a fool
without Mímir at his side Hænir could not rule

In a field of violent rage Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

Truce, so a brittle and frail ease was forged
into a shattered piece to make
Njordr and Freyr to Asgard came
and Hænir and Mim to Vanaheim

Death, see the furious gods washed in blood
and Odin knew that the way to war
would not bring them any gain
just leave a black and bitter stain

* Odin tog huvudet och smorde det med örter
som hindrar det från att ruttna
han kvad sina trollsånger över det
så att Mimer åter kunde tala till honom

The Vanir failed to see Hænir was a fool
without Mímir at his side Hænir could not rule

In a field of violent rage Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

Odin took the head, and anointed it with herbs
which prevents it from rotting
he sang his magic songs over it
so that Mimer be able to speak to him