Warning - Watching From a Distance

the plane! the plane!

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1) You're just plain wrong then.
2) That last sentence is utterly hilarious considering the other band you're talking about is Mournful Congregation :lol:
No I fucking listened to Footprints 5 times a day for 3 months, bought the album when it went to Evil Legends, and listened to it non-stop in my car, on my ipod, at my computer, for about a week. I even stood outside with swizzle in the fucking cold and listened to it playing through the inside stereo (:kickass: ).

It's an amazing album and I truly love it, it just doesn't move me on the same level that the MC album does...that's it. Sometimes with Watching... I just want to go "Okay Pat I fucking get it, this is riff is really powerful and depressing but do you HAVE to play it unchanged for a whole 5 minutes?"

I think he does have to because it really sets the mood and the depressive atmosphere that much more. Some bands fail at this, but every time I listen I think how great Pat is to actually write something that is this slow, and barely every changing, yet it's so fucking powerful. The entire album I am swamped with emotion.

I enjoy The Monad a lot, and comparing it is awfully hard; however, the way Pat can play the same style of riffing the entire album and still fucking rule makes it better than The Monad.

EDIT: @ Dodens, give him about let's say 5-10 weeks and he'll be in our shoes. He's a little slow with metal sometimes :)
Geez, ease up on our GreatDeceiver, not everybody has to love it in the gay way. Anyway, he says he does love it, just not as much as the Mournful album....which is fine, and by the way, I've never heard that Mournful album, but I guess I should check out.

@Ken, I know what you're saying about top 10 lists just being fun, and I agree, but I have to admit, I do look forward to reading them (whether here or in magazines) because sometimes I see stuff that I missed and might want to check out.

I know they're not important in the grand scheme of things, but I wonder what those lists would have looked like if people knew about Warning sooner rather than later....I know my '06 list would have included it fo shizzle!
Oh, and if anyone doesn't have Strength, and want it (since from what I understand, its really hard to find nowadays), I can upload it... if people want.