Warning - Watching From a Distance

the plane! the plane!

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While I disagree with the principle condition of Rich selling the box as advertized as the last box (though I also have a point on that later), I still have no problem with the actual selling of the item on eBay. I honestly couldn't give two shits if he sold 50 on eBay.

However, technically, maybe it is the last box, in the sense that it is the last box that Rich has not sold/sent to distributors/committed to send to distributors. And if this is the case, while it isn't exactly the LAST box, technically speaking it is the last one from the label, and the last one signed by Rich.

But seriously, I still don't care a whole lot anyway, even if it's scummy.
It ended at $305!

seriously, who would have bought this at this price? These must be die hard fans....I can understand it when it's with a 'well known' cult band like Agalloch, but I guess I never realized the drawing power of Warning

When I first heard of this auction, I immediately thought of the Agalloch box being sold prior to release and how it was rightly condemned here, but when a label owner does something similar, financing future releases by ripping fans off is a good business decision? I realize that nobody forces you to bid obscene prices and he has limited resources, but it's still an asshole move IMO.
I don't have a problem with jewing shit off on eBay...in fact I need to do some myself.
Oh my! You're not the same Doomcifer from the Hellride Forums are you? :D

*puts up his dukes*


I agree about the ebay thing...but the bidders are douches too. Especially seeing how they can a copy next week for around $40, LMAO!

Kinda tiffs me too that I went through all the trouble, and paid more because of the gay conversion rate and fees to get this back then too. I dunno...fuck it. Who cares...not me, right? :p

I would like to know wtf these 19 came from though.
I think I've made no secret of how little I enjoy Doom. That said, this almost works for me. The vocalist almost makes the pace of the music worth enduring. Perhaps a few more spins will open it up for me.

I can't speak for The Strength to Dream, but the drumming on Watching From a Distance is definitely the thing I pay attention to 2nd most after Pat's vocals. Really, the guitar/bass is pretty awesome too, just not really in-your-face.
man, I'm still peeling the layers....quite honestly, I've been mesmerized by the guitar/bass riffs and the vocals, completely forgetting to focus on the drums!

for example, the guitar riff intro to track #1, right up to the first vocal line, leaves my jaw hanging. I don't think it's until 5 minutes into the song when I start to recover and pick up on where the song's going, haha.
I can't stop listening to this album.

It's almost the kind of thing where you don't really want to pick it apart and focus on individual things too much... just let it all hit you.
I mainly listen to the bass, guitars, and vocals.

The drum fills in the last track bugged me when I was focusing on the drums, but when I listen to it as a hole, it doesn't bother me at all.
Bridges is just my least favourite song, mainly because the I want the song to have a different style of vocals on the top. It works with the song though. I just like the other ways to put vocals together better.