Warning - Watching From a Distance

the plane! the plane!

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There's a moment in the title track where he sings:

And then I remember, that I know you love me, I know you do

That's one of those moments where I want to plunge a knife into my chest and serve my heart up on a platter to this songwriter.

It's also pretty amazing to think that the first 3-4 minute intro to that one song pretty much shatters what 90% of other bands accomplish in their entire lifespan.

I realize this album was officially released in '06, but I suspect most people didn't get round to it in 2007. Either way, it's the best album in my current rotation by far.

Watching from a Distance, the album, is so ridiculously good that even with copious amounts of sloppy fellatio, it would still be underrated.
Yeah it's pretty fucking good. My fav track is number two. Especially the part that starts off at around 5 min. "Here I aaaaaam wide open, surrendering to yooouuur siiide!" Man, not many tracks get my lower lip quivering like that...
I haven't played it in about a month, actually, I had to give it a rest. I listened to it about 25 times (as well as the demos disc) during one week where I listened to nothing but Warning and Darkspace, so I got completely drained. I'll probably be spinning it again soon.
I've listened to this more than any other album in the past 5 months. Wow. This is insanely good. If anyone can point me in the direction of any other metal that works on such an intense level of emotion as this, please let me know.
I'm giving it a proper second listen now...

Fuck. I got the chills towards the end of faces. :D

Edit: I should also mention, as an update to earlier posts in the thread, that I eventually listened to Strength To Dream again after that and asked myself several times why I had not liked it. Since then, I have listened to it several times, and have finally decided to listen to Watching From A Distance (obviously).
I'm starting to find the sheer amount and extent of praise for the album more overwhelming than listening to the album itself.
I didn't say anything about not enjoying the album. I just think it's hilarious how much cum Patrick Walker has been drowned in since February.
It has to be the most fulfilling cum covering ever though. I would be so thrilled to go around on the net and stumble upon a thread like this, filled with people who just can't stop listening to the album multiple times per-day. I'd cum all over myself...
I find it really hard to gauge the album comparatively, because there's really nothing else like it. I approach Watching From A Distance unlike any other album, and for that, it's a tremendous accomplishment and a unique experience. That can never be taken away from it.