warrel a little different?

fat bastard

Nov 19, 2004
just got the new disc last week and its fuckin great but first impressions still have me finding warrels approach to singing the verses and choruses a little different than on past albums but no less amazing. he seems a little more restrained and focused with his melodies and it works for this album where as with past albums i was never quite sure where his voice was gonna take each song. he still moves around in his range quite a bit but it just doesnt seem as oddball( not in a bad way of course) as i ve found him in the past where he would always move into notes and phrases that just set him apart from the rest as one of the true greats. don t take this as me complaining though cause he dishes out some killer moments on this disc.
now that i think about it the whole album sounds kind of different when set beside the others. it may be the awesome producing job that andy did but even the guitars stand out in my mind. it wasn t really the solos but the riffs that blew me away. this seems like the album that should have come after dead heart with no ill will towards EofR on my part but it just seems that way.
yea, i feel the same way about the solos...theyre very very good (the sweeping one in the title track is amazing) but the riffs are the focal point for me on this album. crushing riffs. my acid words is filled with killer killer riffs.
The whole band sounds so much more focused overall.
The addition of Steve was a killer move. He is with out a doubt the missing piece of the puzzle, and such an awesome player...he's like Jeffs guitar soul mate.
Warrel sounds so strong on this record, and his lyrics are some of his best. Once again I find myself totally inspired by him.
Van is a machine, and right on the money with every beat.
Jim lays down the bottom end with precision. The man is a giant!!!
Jeff is increadible as always...what else can you say??? He's Jeff Loomis, and can't be touched.
How true, Jeff most certainly cannot be touched! I saw 'em last Friday on Gigantour and they were perfect. Steve Smyth is a great addition. It's great to see Warrel and Jim both healthy! Van was amazing as well!

I've always liked Van but after buying the remixed EOR Van is now my fave metal drummer.
You wanna know why Warrel sound so damn good. One simple fact, he sobered up, proving up that you don't need to be loaded to make good metal. That comment is directed at the skeptics ( I remember a guy I know saying that Mustaine and Heltfied should lock themselves in room with heroine, alcohol, and guitars and they'd come out with the best Metallica/Megadeth songs)
As you have noted yes, the notes of every song sound the same, but in a different key, well with the vocals they were not strained, I noticed as before...
I'd REALLY like to hear W's old old style a bit more in the future!!!
the very first time i heard one of the new songs i totally noticed that! i for one find it a better sound than their previous efforts...i like the direction WD took with his vocals in TGE...and i must say the addition of Steve Smyth on the record was possibly one of the best moves they ever made!
unknown said:
Yeah I'd kind of like to see WD return to his old singing/screaming approach

Has anyone ever asked him or has he given any clue
if he'd go that route again?
I don't believe WD will go back to screaming.
These days are long past. Evolution is not returning to the past. And NVRMR has been about evolution in metal. Although I miss the old days too sometimes, specially at gigs and when I listened to EoR.
metalized said:
I don't believe WD will go back to screaming.
These days are long past. Evolution is not returning to the past. And NVRMR has been about evolution in metal. Although I miss the old days too sometimes, specially at gigs and when I listened to EoR.

Define "Evolution"...

What I see on Headbangers Ball reminds me of caveman grunting.
Screeeeeeeeeeaming said:
Define "Evolution"...

What I see on Headbangers Ball reminds me of caveman grunting.
LOL, caveman huh?
Well maybe, but some would say that vocals in sanctuary is a guy having his balls stepped on and off. I adore Sanctuary, but NVRMR as well. I would like to hear WD having his balls stepped on again, but... maybe this is not in his evolving plans anymore...
Evolution is individually defined by each one of us. I have followed NVRMR form the very start of their carreer, bought all their albums when they got released, attended their concerts etc... Their every album is noticably different from the previous (with the exception of EoR, which reminds me DHiaDW). So I (prolly falsely, but that is only MHO) assume evolution for mr WD and co is shown by the differentiation in each album. It is an ongoing process defined by each new albums with their differences. For instance Running Wild hasn't really evolved as a group, whereas NVRMR has. I hope i make sense. LOL

PS: I cant watch HB, or any MTV at all from my TV.
A surgery in his stomach- area might contribute to that different approach of singing. Good singers use that part when they scream and vibrate their vocal cords. That powerpack has to be strong to give such power.
(not that i think he cannot do it. In London he pushed all the way!)
Different techniques, same singer, different approach, same band, new member, new album ...and still gddmn! metal.

Steve Smyth's contribution is a relief to the sound they have right now and it's very clear, Nevermore is a five piece again. That complete sound is back.