also known as ass-mode
bah, forget it, Jean-Pierre thinks his own opinions are ultimate truth and he can't never argue without insulting everyone who disagrees with him, he's such a loser.
metalskater7 said:I think that Warrel Dane is a better technical singer than Harry "fucking" Conklin and I am not considered a "ludicrous retard". Opinions do not dictate mental capacity.
neal said:ive never heard jag panzer, but ive always thought it was kind of a dumb name. most bands have dumb names, but jag panzer is perhaps a little dumber than average. judging from who ive seen them listed on tour with, and the 'technical clean singer' comments, i probably wouldnt care for em anyway. so another (predictable) vote for WD. cause hey, this aint the jag panzer forum, so Harry Conklin can just fuck off.
neal said:ive never heard jag panzer, but ive always thought it was kind of a dumb name. most bands have dumb names, but jag panzer is perhaps a little dumber than average. judging from who ive seen them listed on tour with, and the 'technical clean singer' comments, i probably wouldnt care for em anyway. so another (predictable) vote for WD. cause hey, this aint the jag panzer forum, so Harry Conklin can just fuck off.
neal said:so is it pronouced yag panzer since its all german an shit?
MetalSteph said:Aw come on, putting Jag Panzer up against Nevermore on the Nevermore board isn't really fair.
Harry vs. Warrel - Warrel is taller, Harry smells better, but Warrel dresses better. WD screamed like a mofo in Sanctuary, he wins.
Chris vs. Jeff - I love Jeff, but Mr. Broderick is one sexy bitch. Both shred, but Chris also rocks the classical guitar. Sorry Loomie, I luv ya and all, but you know I gotta go with Chris.
John vs. Jim - I like Jim's hair better.
Mark vs. Steve - Both are quiet, but Steve lives in my State
Rikard vs. Van - Ooooh, really tough one. Drummers are always so cool. Hmmm. I'd have to say it's a tie. But I have known Van longer. Okay Van it is (I like his hair better).
Hey!!! you can't fault me for that,....... I sold my soul a long time ago!!!control-denied777 said:I love harry's voice but Warrell's voice is fuckin unique.and about the music;i love jag panzer's riffs but the solos are totally soulless(unlike nevermore's).