Warrel Dane Vs. Harry Conklin.

Warrel is good... His low range is excellent, and the "Christ is a weapon" backing vocal in "Deconstruction" is one of my favorite vocal deliveries.

From a technical standpoint, Harry is by far the better vocalist, but considering metal is littered with people who are completely oblivious to technique, complexity, overall musicality, and people who simply don't care, Harry's vocal ability isnt really an issue. It's always going to be the typical metalhead response of "I hate that singer" or "That guy sucks"

Harry is an excellent vocalist, and if you don't appreciate or can't get into his vocals, thats fine, everyone has a preference. However, saying Harry "sucks" is completely ignorant & short sighted. Zac
Zac said:
Warrel is good... His low range is excellent, and the "Christ is a weapon" backing vocal in "Deconstruction" is one of my favorite vocal deliveries.

From a technical standpoint, Harry is by far the better vocalist, but considering metal is littered with people who are completely oblivious to technique, complexity, overall musicality, and people who simply don't care, Harry's vocal ability isnt really an issue. It's always going to be the typical metalhead response of "I hate that singer" or "That guy sucks"

Harry is an excellent vocalist, and if you don't appreciate or can't get into his vocals, thats fine, everyone has a preference. However, saying Harry "sucks" is completely ignorant & short sighted. Zac

I can't disagree with someone who has the intro to Welcom Home in his signature
Matt Lee said:
Wow, 40% of those decisions were made based on hair.

Like I care who's a better drummer. I like both of those guys, so the only tie-breaker is hair. Ahahaha. Move outta WI and maybe you'll understand my fucked up sarcastic humor. Both bands are awesome guys. They all have their talents and downfalls, but liking a band is always just personal oppinion.

If I had naked pix of them all then I would judge them on cock size instead of hair length, but I have a bad feeling Van would put them all to shame. :blush:
I like how Chris popped in this thread and made whatshisface feel like a total ass and backtrack to suck up. haha.

anyway... my choice is... hmm i guess Harry. Warrell is definitely unique, and that's a damn good thing to be, but i can't say i'm really in love with his voice. Me prefers Harry.
Zac said:
Yes...getting owned, by musicians that own you, is always a funny situation.

Nice Avatar Zac. And bite me, I don't listen to Rap..... for entertainment.

Matt Lee said:
I'm not really surprised. I think most girls around here don't like long hair, ie: I don't get a second look. But then 90% of the guys around here look EXACTLY the same, hair, clothes, stupid douchebag attitude. You'd think girls would get sick of that, but then you'd be overestimating most women.
I second that.
Trevor Lane said:
Dane was pretty good when they were Sanctuary and the first 2 Nevermore albums, but has never reached Harry's range, trueness or power. And Dane even sings out of key and off pitch alot, and they even leave it on the albums.

Singing off key isn't always bad... look at King Diamond... he often keeps his voice out of pitch and it'S sounds so fuckin' freaking it's actually good... Nevermore is brutal music with clean vox so there is no place for "perfect" melodie here... It's all about emotion!!! I'm not saying Harry doesn't have emotion but I think the intensity of nevermore's music calls for this kind of vocals...

Oh... as for "trueness" ... Dane is fucking metal!
I'm growing my hair out but then again I've got know idea what the fuck i'm doing anymore so it seems logical.
I've seen Jag and Nevermore on different occasions and as far as I'm concerned, both bands bring a lot to the table. This isn't the Olympics, it's MUSIC! Music is about celebration and enjoying it, not pitting singer against singer, blah blah blah. That's 7th-grade crap. I vote for Jag and Nevermore to tour together; I personally will be one very happy camper!
Whomever is more talented is of no concern to me since they seem different from each other but if this included lyrics... Warrel would most likely win. I like both bands by the way.