Watershed: Are you disapointed with it?

I think that the mixed responses everyone gives is something that makes Opeth, Opeth. Everyone thought and hoped it was going to be an atmospheric, twisted return to the old BM-influenced Opeth and they get something so diverse that comes from Mikael himself - I think that's what I like about it, because I can almost read his mind with the songs. Sure, it's not a Blackwater Park or a Still Life. That's why we have those albums, to show the pathway that leads to each record. I've had time to digest it and of course, thought it was so fucking awesome to be listening to fucking Watershed. People just become blindsided with the status of how a band that has risen to this peak works, adding the factors of Peter's departure and Axe's fill-in. I don't care what anybody says - Akesson brought spice to this record, and generally adds to the 'how the fuck did they do that' feeling. Alot of times people in bands will say they make the music for their enjoyment and it's not always for the fans, though most bands tend to lean towards the pleasing the masses approach - like I stated above, with Watershed, it's a bit of a collective example of your creativity. That's what makes it so cool to me.

Mikael, if you read this at all; I find it so incredibly generous to have a direct response coming from the one behind it all - not forgetting the rest of the team, as one of my favorite past-times while enjoying any Opeth song is to pick apart the different parts each person plays - because I feel I'm closer to Opeth than someone who just listens to them. It's something I think everyone on this forum should feel grateful for.

I think the main reason why so many self-described "Opeth fans" hate Watershed, is because they got their expectations up waaaaaay too high. I always expect a good release from Opeth, but things happen, and you just never know. I mean, look at Cryptopsy's new album. That band went from being to the top of Death Metal to now being a complete and utter joke. Now, I trust in Mikael and I know the dude has good taste, but the day Opeth releases a completely awful album is the day that Opeth will begin to start fading away. I've said it before: The day they lose Mike, they lose it all.
You never thought once that demons and satan were, you know, metaphors for some kind of underlying reality that we are all afraid of? Because to me, if I was living in a fantasyland and if in reality there was no god, if the world was violent chaotic and unforgiving, there would be nothing darker than the knowledge of those facts. And maybe it's the metal bands who are choosing to live in real life, while those who think it's 'silly' and 'just a bit of fun' are covering up their own ignorance. When Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein, she wasn't actually writing about a comedy about a dude making a silly monster. Just something to think about.

oh really? That never occurred to me ever. Cheers for that genius insight! :erk:
The original point must have got lost somewhere in fantasyland too I suppose!
Never mind eh? I think Mikael pretty much cleared it up!
@Shredzilla - exactly, and you see my point. That's the thing about bands that have a reputation for changing things up, those who expect too much will ultimately be disappointed due to their own visions being destroyed by the BAND's vision (Opeth) or in your example, Cryptopsy. And i'll agree, they went to absolute shit. xD

I have a kinda special connection to Opeth's older albums as with MAYH - I went onto Opeth's site after listening to Damnation and GR and looked at their Discography, and saw My Arms, Your Hearse's album cover and went, woah....what a fucking cover, almost inviting you to journey to what's at the end of its' trail. And especially Morningrise too; the overall vibe of the imagery and music got me hooked - never before had I felt such powerful visions with music. I may be going off the deep end for most people but, I'll never forget it. That's what I try to get at is that each album comes from a different world, a different imaginative horizon not similar to the previous one. Most people who expect too much miss it.
Eh, what? Every album is awesome, Watershed is no exception. Anyone who thinks it sucks can go die in a relatively large fire.
I haven't read most of this thread... most of what I did read pissed me off too much. (Why isn't it like Morninrise/MAYH?!?!?...)

This is by far my favourite Opeth work at this moment. It contains absolutely everything I wanted to hear from the band. I wasn't a big fan of GR, but I like Opeth a lot so I still had high expecations for the new album. This exceeded them.
Coil was a pretty bold first track. Hussain Peel seems to be the signature track of the album, but the whole album flows very well. Some old 70's prog influences, not as dynamic in terms of loud/soft, but I feel very well written. Hard to compare it to anything they have done. Still trying to absorb it. But I agree that I had a more "yeah" feel to first hearing Ghost Reveries.

Did Mendez cut his fucking hair? Why?
This album feels a bit more experimental to me, but I like it. I thought it was going to fall in the vain of GR, but it doesn't (to my ears). I also thought that the album was going to be heavier. I heard Heir Apparent for the first time thinking that there will be alot more songs on the album that were just going to slay my soul, but there really wasn't. The album does feel dark and brooding as hell though. Also the song Burden feel's very 70's to me which just makes me get all wet (especially Pe(a)r's solo). Overall a very good album which doesn't follow in any previous album's footsteps, but goes in it's own direction which allows the music to paint more vivid and different mental images for me.
I like watershed right just fine. I miss Lopez and Lindgren and Mendez's hair though... but whatever, good album!
I haven't read most of this thread... most of what I did read pissed me off too much. (Why isn't it like Morninrise/MAYH?!?!?...)

This is by far my favourite Opeth work at this moment. It contains absolutely everything I wanted to hear from the band. I wasn't a big fan of GR, but I like Opeth a lot so I still had high expecations for the new album. This exceeded them.

I actually want them to do another Morningrise type album :p

But my response to the thread question is no.

It's a spectacular album.
I havent played a new Opeth this much since when I first got into them with BWP. In fact, I think in the short time I've had it, Watershed has been played more consecutively than any other Opeth album I have.

I had to listen to it for a month straight to decide whether or not I liked it, and then it hit me. OF COARSE I FUCKIN LIKE IT.
Having listened to watershed for the first time all the way through one thing struck me about it, its not so much the music i dont like but it seems that opeth have succumed to the loudness war, either that or the mastering was done badly. one my system it seems like the heavy parts are sat on with little life or dynamics and everything melds together (which may be intended) however when you get to some quieter parts or songs the level seems the same but also seems to have a slightly more open sound and feels less oppersive with just as much power and greater clarity than the heavy parts. to me it soundslike the heavy parts have been compressed and limited to death on the album

what do you think

i know in a car or over the radio or mtv type show it would sound ok but listened to on an ok system it sucks a bit
Watershed carries emotions that are more powerful to me than their other albums, because they're relatable to an extent. The subject matter on this record seems to be family issues, loss, seperation, ect. whereas on My Arms, Your Hearse it's about a ghost. While that album is fantastic, I simply don't feel as attached to it as I do to Watershed. Also, the new album brings many new elements in to the music that I would not have expected from Opeth. Being a prog fan, I was very pleasantly surprised. Watershed is my favortire Opeth album.
Restressing what others have said:

The first time I heard Watershed I thought it was crap and I was really upset. Now I love it just as much as I do any other album (can't pick a favourite).

So, listen to it a few times to get your head around it. Heir Apparent took the longest for me to understand, but after watching a live clip off youtube I think the meaning of the song became more....uh...apparent?
