Watershed Back-artwork

I am undecided about 5.1 at the moment. I've heard the Still Life 5.1 mix and a couple of other albums by other bands. Sometimes they do clever stuff but I kind of think that at the moment it's basically a gimmick. I think we're still at a similar point with it as when stereo was new and people tried too hard to use it all the time by panning everything hard left or right (e.g. The Beatles' Revolver). With 5.1 at the moment there's too much 'wooo! look! now it's coming from behind you! Now its over here!'. I guess the overall feel of the sound coming from all around is nice though.
I am undecided about 5.1 at the moment. I've heard the Still Life 5.1 mix and a couple of other albums by other bands. Sometimes they do clever stuff but I kind of think that at the moment it's basically a gimmick. I think we're still at a similar point with it as when stereo was new and people tried too hard to use it all the time by panning everything hard left or right (e.g. The Beatles' Revolver). With 5.1 at the moment there's too much 'wooo! look! now it's coming from behind you! Now its over here!'. I guess the overall feel of the sound coming from all around is nice though.
I don't agree at all, I've yet to hear a surround mix that was over done. If I had to make a complaint about surround mixes, it would be that they are often under utilized, and add nothing to the stereo mix, but those are usually the ones done as after thoughts, and not the ones that had the intention to be in surround in the first place; Ghost Reveries, compared to Deadwing for example.
For those who have received watershed, post pics of every fucking millimeter of the case/artwork/booklet whatever. I would love to see some.
You know, I hope that the special edition comes wrapped in plastic, because I know stores here in America all LOVE to put stickers all over the plastic advertising their store. It'd be a fucking shame if they put stcikers all over the package, covering up stuff like the title and stamp and stuff =/, cuz since its paper, you probably couldn't get them off....

As you can see, the SE box opens up like an envelope (watermark on back and all) The discs are in individual cardboard sleeves. The booklet has artwork only, there is a complete page of text that is either code or another language. All very mysterious.

Code would be sweet, kinda like a game included. The SE looks gorgeous, but looks like something you'd have to pull over on the side of the road to take out and play in your car...
Code would be sweet, kinda like a game included. The SE looks gorgeous, but looks like something you'd have to pull over on the side of the road to take out and play in your car...

yeah, true! Ghost R. Special Edition was easier to open in the car when driving, maybe you should rent an "opening watershed special edition operator girlfriend" :) :goggly:

by the way, that twisted face looks horrible, the photo itself it's ugly (probably made using the flash) it looks like a driving license photo and i think it doesn't fit with the ghotic atmosphere. I still dont find the answer of "who the fuck this guy is". This is pretty annoying in my opinion! :ill:

I think the general consensus is that the picture is a combination of features from all of the band member's faces, since there was no band photo included. The thread is called "the identity of the krazy eyes killa" or something like that....
I got the special edition today, however i didnt get any autographs, where they only included in some packages?