watershed cover !

I guess the face has been put together: Mendez' hair, Per's mouth etc. could this be possible?

DAMN!!! EXACTLY!!! I had that idea but you made me sure!

Left eye is Mikael's - it's for sure. Right hair and ear is Mendez's beacuse it's only him who wear a earring. Don't know about nose, mouth and other stuff, but I'm sure it belongs to Axe, Per and Fred.

Actually, this cover is very simple not to say ordinary. Just like The Who's "Live at Leeds" or one of the editions of LZ's "In Through the Out Door". Only this frankestein face makes it weird.
the way opeth is written, it is kind of similar to the "2nd logo" you can find in the biography section ... the one Mikael designed himself.

and I was thinking the same thing about that face ... but when looking closer at it, it doesn't seem like that.

if this is the real thing then I hate it. but I guess it's just the sleeve and when you pull out the album it will have the same cover as the regular edition, that's what I'm hoping for anyway.
06.03.08 should be the release date, but 06 is the month and 03 the day
09 i guess is because it's the 9th opeth album
don't understand the 6867 sequence

anyway that's what mikael told me about the special edition when i interviewed him, so i think it's not a late april fools
Akerfledt left eye
Axe right eye
Fred mouth and chin
Mendez Hair and ears
Per...I don't really know in fact

This cover is very surprising...I'm not sure to like it
Maybe that letter is kinda what the dude in the normal cover is doing. He's probably writing some dark and depressing stuff to someone and sealing it into this "Opeth envelope". :err:
When I saw it before, I didn't want to comment straight away as it would have been "what the hell is that?!". But half an hour later, its still the same reaction. haha what a strange cover. The stamp is pretty weird. I'm happy with the standard cover so thats all that matters I guess. I think you guys are right about it being made up of each of their faces.
The cover would be ok without that jihad taliban (im sorry, but thats the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that fanatic looking face) on the stamp, it ruins everything.
When I look at the cover my eyes keep locking on that fucking face, annoying is what it is.
I like the fact that so many people hate it. I don't like it either, but somehow I find it funny.
honestly though... that cant be the real cover...

it would actually be cool without that fuckin face...
They've got to be kidding about that face. X: The rest of the cover is pretty neat, but the face just shouldn't be there.

Wait, Did anyone think perhaps it's just the postcard used to send the cover picture/slipcase/folding paperbox? LOL. Maybe the stamps and "priority" stamps are for real, and not part of the cover

If I'm right, woopdidoo
If I'm not, then Mike was drunk when he gave an OK on this cover.