watershed cover !

hmm, 1. april is over. could it be delayed?
seriously I think it looked kinda wierd.. it could be allrite without the face thou.
owe what the heck, its only a cover.
Wait, Did anyone think perhaps it's just the postcard used to send the cover picture/slipcase/folding paperbox? LOL. Maybe the stamps and "priority" stamps are for real, and not part of the cover

God, I hope it's a joke...
If not, maybe when you open it, the actual artwork is inside?

I hope I'm right. And even if the stamps and picture isn't part of the cover I'd still be happy to see the regular cover on the inside disc. The original art is freakin' awesome!!
Thank you indeed. The stamp in a way belongs to the same category as the mutilated hand in The Roundhouse Tapes booklet and the two ghosts aroud the woman in the Ghost Reveries case.
Hi, I'm new here but I might have found something about the album.

Although it's probally quite a retarded idea:lol:

Here it is:

If you look at Opeth's official website at the SE artwork you'll see:

Artwork done by Travis Smith in collaboration with M. Åkerfeldt.

Offcourse this could be just a mistake but after some googling I found:


M. ARING.. Coincidence?

The cover certainly does have similarities.

Haha, this could be nothing...:lol:
Hi, I'm new here but I might have found something about the album.

Although it's probally quite a retarded idea:lol:

Here it is:

If you look at Opeth's official website at the SE artwork you'll see:

Artwork done by Travis Smith in collaboration with M. Åkerfeldt.

Offcourse this could be just a mistake but after some googling I found:


M. ARING.. Coincidence?

The cover certainly does have similarities.

Haha, this could be nothing...:lol:

Actually if u notice.. if you look at the original Watershed artwork it just says Mikael Akerfeldt.. no A ring thing or whatever.... its probably a mistake but yeah. I just dont understand. Mike said there was supposed to be lots of symbolism and I dont really see any... :Smug:
i may sound like a broken record but right when i saw the special edition it made me feel like this would be a concept record of some sorts.